‪@sonysketch‬ #fridayswithsketch #merMay i haven't been on sketch for such a long time! Since summer break's starting (the favorite thing about may) and the weather is beautiful, i guess I'll come back:)

Posted on May 15, 2018 by
@taeyoung taeyoung

968 likes 56 comments

‪@sonysketch‬ #fridayswithsketch #merMay i haven't been on sketch for such a long time! Since summer break's starting (the favorite thing about may) and the weather is beautiful, i guess I'll come back:)
2018-05-05 06:05 Somebody That is MERmazing^-^and
2018-05-05 06:05 taeyoung Thank you ‪[u:f5477609-21fc-48ba-8c9b-bbf72ceff255]‬ 😆
2018-05-05 06:05 Somebody No problem^-^ did you SEA what I did there
2018-05-05 06:05 taeyoung Oh yeah i sea it
2018-05-05 06:05 taeyoung Its merstonishing !
2018-05-05 06:05 taeyoung Haha im bad at this😂 ‪[u:f5477609-21fc-48ba-8c9b-bbf72ceff255]‬
2018-05-05 06:05 iamvegan Beautiful and lovely!! Love how you draw light and shadows😳😍💕💕
2018-05-05 06:05 iamvegan I bet yours will be featured!!😆😆
2018-05-05 06:05 taeyoung Awww thank you ! ‪[u:4d7e2fe3-5cc0-424a-8bd2-9a2cc6e32908]‬ 😊
2018-05-05 06:05 iamvegan No problem!😄
2018-05-05 08:05 Vetter Very beautiful my ‪[u:81d9b61b-dbcb-41f3-bc17-c304d04537ea]‬ 😍
2018-05-05 08:05 KiwiArt WOW yours is waaay better than mine❤️❤️❤️❤️it's super beautiful
2018-05-05 15:05 taeyoung Haha no it cant be better than yours Yours is really unique ‪[u:ad031585-f287-476b-9bb3-45dcd334e6ff]‬
2018-05-05 16:05 KiwiArt Mmm mm.... NAH THERE AT THE SAME LEVEL
2018-05-05 17:05 taeyoung Thank you ‪[u:7de05fb3-94e9-41a7-9ae4-254002aed395]‬ 😆😆😆
2018-05-05 18:05 sonysketch Congratulations! Your sketch has just been featured 💙
2018-05-05 18:05 taeyoung 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮?? ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬
2018-05-05 18:05 iamvegan Congratulations!! From now on you'll get lots of likes😂😆👍👍
2018-05-05 20:05 Spikey_Bunny Beautiful!
2018-05-05 20:05 Spikey_Bunny Lovely gallery too!
2018-05-05 20:05 Somebody Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful!!!
2018-05-05 20:05 taeyoung Thank you ‪[u:dcf28177-5126-48e0-8b39-e8774c5ecb4b]‬ ‪[u:bb54ddb6-9099-45be-8394-c4333998b7cd]‬ ‪[u:4d7e2fe3-5cc0-424a-8bd2-9a2cc6e32908]‬ 💗💗
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung I saw yours on featured too!! ‪[u:4d7e2fe3-5cc0-424a-8bd2-9a2cc6e32908]‬
2018-05-05 21:05 KiwiArt Уау u got featured!
2018-05-05 21:05 KiwiArt I think I will never get featured
2018-05-05 21:05 KiwiArt No matter how I draw
2018-05-05 21:05 Somebody Ты так краасиво рисуешь. Можешь пожалуйста подпесатся на меня и поставить ❤. И прости за СПАМ.
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung Your drawings really should be and will be featured someday:) ‪[u:ad031585-f287-476b-9bb3-45dcd334e6ff]‬
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung Thank you💗 ‪[u:37c04279-dcfd-47c0-94d0-10e8570846d5]‬
2018-05-05 21:05 KiwiArt Thank you.... ‪[u:81d9b61b-dbcb-41f3-bc17-c304d04537ea]‬
2018-05-05 21:05 Somebody It is amazing
2018-05-05 21:05 Somebody Thanks
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung Thank you! ‪[u:0bc884e4-6247-40a4-9808-576df5e47e23]‬
2018-05-05 22:05 Somebody Your welcome
2018-05-05 05:05 Somebody Thus is SOOO PRETTY! Good job! 😊
2018-05-05 05:05 taeyoung Thank you! ‪[u:8fed7d7b-33df-4e57-a925-d7cfa08ef985]‬
2018-05-05 11:05 Vetter Congretulations my ‪[u:81d9b61b-dbcb-41f3-bc17-c304d04537ea]‬ 😍 😍
2018-05-05 20:05 Somebody Trop beau n'hésitez pas à allez sur mon compte
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung Je vous remercie! Je suis vraiment content d'avoir un commentaire en français parce que j'apprends le français en ce moment! au fait, c'est google translate. Je ne parle pas bien français. je n'ai écrit que la première phrase😂😂 ‪[u:545c965e-e1d1-4998-9225-a671af58b37a]‬
2018-05-05 22:05 Somebody I no want to spam u!! I just want helpeu!!!!! Pls? :'3 https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/64996732-ee98-471b-88e7-bf547bd6cf4b
2018-05-05 22:05 Vetter Thank you dear ‪[u:81d9b61b-dbcb-41f3-bc17-c304d04537ea]‬ 😍 😍
2018-05-05 08:05 amandalm Beautiful perspective 😍
2018-05-05 09:05 taeyoung Thank you!😆 ‪[u:d4b46da7-a314-41a0-8a3e-7379564bd41e]‬
2018-05-05 13:05 Somebody Nice
2018-05-05 21:05 taeyoung Thank you 😆 ‪[u:e4c8444b-2f52-487a-9373-208aafe66fff]‬
2018-05-05 04:05 Somebody Woow!!!;-)
2018-05-05 13:05 artcreature Creative 😍
2018-05-05 03:05 Somebody Buen dibujo
2018-05-05 07:05 taeyoung Thank you!!😆 ‪[u:b5b02ef8-9c62-41ca-9d7d-dd034e518c33]‬ ‪[u:dbe3c9ce-7b26-4605-bf31-8281c76111cf]‬ ‪[u:cb892eea-eff8-4a26-a134-1f1268dfcbe2]‬
2018-05-05 19:05 Somebody I Don't start the summer holidays until July!!
2018-05-05 01:05 taeyoung i feel bad for you 😂😂‪[u:92d4f66e-249f-4f57-9303-fc4ec9e52d45]‬
2018-05-05 08:05 Somebody 🙁🙁🙁😭😭😭😭
2018-05-05 17:05 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/99b42922-06cb-4920-8256-3e6c8a278b11
2018-07-07 14:07 Somebody cute❤️
2019-05-05 17:05 Somebody 適首頁
2019-05-05 17:05 taeyoung Thankyou!! ‪[u:05a273ae-ccbe-48bc-aefa-eec7d0f16048]‬ ‪[u:2ba57006-5097-4c2d-b8d0-756c049acec2]‬