Grilled Squid 👾 #foodchallenge #sonysketch

Posted on Apr 7, 2019 by
@artby___j artby___j

1306 likes 24 comments

Grilled Squid 👾 #foodchallenge  #sonysketch
2019-04-04 18:04 Mr_Drawing ✨Sooooo cute!!!✨
2019-04-04 18:04 artby___j ‪[u:f5152d09-31d1-441d-a38d-fefa6938b7dc]‬ tysm 💕
2019-04-04 18:04 Mr_Drawing The pleasure is all mine!😁
2019-04-04 19:04 Dee Beautiful Senpu!
2019-04-04 20:04 artby___j ‪[u:3b349270-22e1-4177-8d3a-3ecbddd567b0]‬ tysm senpaii 😘💕
2019-04-04 00:04 Vetter Thank you very much ‪[u:08782412-a675-418d-9d63-7e54bcfd8786]‬ 😍
2019-04-04 02:04 artby___j ‪[u:7de05fb3-94e9-41a7-9ae4-254002aed395]‬ yw🌹 thx to you too💕
2019-04-04 10:04 Vetter Most welcome my ‪[u:08782412-a675-418d-9d63-7e54bcfd8786]‬
2019-04-04 10:04 LawrenceWong 色.香.味.俱全😋色澤啱啱好😍正👍👍👍
2019-04-04 19:04 artby___j ‪[u:46dc7071-5414-46c9-82f2-09126cab79ce]‬ 💀地獄廚神出品,包保色香味全,但不保食物安全 💀( 藍色部分未熟,但歡迎勇敢嘗試)😄💕💕💕
2019-04-04 09:04 sonysketch Congratulations! 🦑 Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody Wow j is back i am happy i will see more of your magic 🙋‍♂️
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody If the grilled squid like this in real life.......what would happen? xd btw this is a very beautiful and adorable art! Congrats to be featured!! You deserve it! 🐙+🔥=👧
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody 🧡I'm giving away free art🧡
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody ❤ Hi! Can you help me to reach 5200 followers??🏆 ❤ вы можете помочь мне достичь 5200 последователей? 🏆 ❤ This message is helping message. I love you all! ⚠️ ❤ ▶️ Here's my profile page 》《 ◀️ ❤ Good Days ❤ [ LAST 50 ] ✔ 💯 👊 Follow If you support PewDiePie 👊
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody Please follow me
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Hey Congrats on being featured... 💖💞
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Nice ^^ Can look my profile? I'm new uwu
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody I'm sorry but before info loaded I first thought it was tide pod chan
2019-04-04 07:04 Somebody ‪[u:82326bb1-871e-4ebd-99e5-3b02c773a424]‬ hahahahahahahah I am dyingggg
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Wow
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Hey everyone. I know we are all sad about sketch closing socially. We all have many friends on here and there is much more to share. Ive started a discord server with a friend to try and have the Sketch community live on. share this link with all your friends and followers. **sorry if I already sent you this message**
2019-05-05 18:05 Somebody Прости мне тоже это отправили. Отправь 20 людям и через 15 мин тебе позвонит любимый (ая) , а если не отправишь , то умрет твоя мама. Один мальчик не поверил и через 99 дней умерла мама. Прости что отправил (а) , я ради мамы ✋
2019-05-05 03:05 Somebody تجننننننننننننن ابدااااااااااااع