I don't beleve in past life, but if it would exist, then I would be a stone. #pastlife #fridayswithsketch #stone

Posted on Jan 5, 2019 by
@Daring_Elizabeth Sketch world

372 likes 26 comments

I don't beleve in past life, but if it would exist, then I would be a stone. #pastlife #fridayswithsketch  #stone
2019-01-01 20:01 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-01-01 20:01 Daring_Elizabeth 😆
2019-01-01 21:01 Somebody Omg lol XD I think you'd be a very happy rock
2019-01-01 21:01 Somebody Congratulations on getting featured 😄
2019-01-01 21:01 Daring_Elizabeth Thanks! ‪[u:957ac0a8-a46f-42d4-b084-01256f25b459]‬ And yeah 😅
2019-01-01 22:01 Somebody XDDD I LOVE THE IDEA
2019-01-01 15:01 Jazzysquaz But rocks dont die................
2019-01-01 15:01 Jazzysquaz If you where a stone... you would still be a stone today............
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody I ate ur Nan's balls
2019-01-01 17:01 Daring_Elizabeth ‪[u:86eaed5f-6abd-4051-be14-f8325cd932eb]‬ when stones get old they turn into sand
2019-01-01 18:01 Somebody ‪[u:8cea2b27-e420-42e8-b179-ec182b13beef]‬ Are you sand? O-o Nice drawing btw! :D
2019-01-01 20:01 Daring_Elizabeth ‪[u:65d77cab-0d44-4ff8-9297-c91494ca66c2]‬ Tnx! And maybe... But I still think that I might actually be a human... 🤔
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody ‪[u:8cea2b27-e420-42e8-b179-ec182b13beef]‬ I might be a tree..
2019-01-01 20:01 Daring_Elizabeth ‪[u:65d77cab-0d44-4ff8-9297-c91494ca66c2]‬ oh.. Ok
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody 😁
2019-01-01 14:01 Jazzysquaz But sand js just little bits of rocks the rocks arent dead juat smaller and more of them
2019-01-01 14:01 Daring_Elizabeth ‪[u:86eaed5f-6abd-4051-be14-f8325cd932eb]‬ Yes (and this post was meant as a joke, so... Everything is possible. 😑)
2019-01-01 14:01 Jazzysquaz :)
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody Coooool
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody Ilike itttt
2019-01-01 15:01 Daring_Elizabeth ‪[u:b996e695-34bb-42e4-84d8-6b9c2104b2a6]‬ Tnx 😄
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody ‪[u:8cea2b27-e420-42e8-b179-ec182b13beef]‬ i like it and i love you!
2019-01-01 05:01 Fyly_chan But a beautiful stone XDDDD
2019-01-01 05:01 Somebody oh my god it's so beautiful!
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody Простите за спам, но не могли бы вы зайти на мой аккаунт и оценить его? Хочу попасть в тренды и набрать 600 подписчиков. Заранее спасибо. Еще раз простите.       /.                   \.                /.                   \.                    🙏❤😻Sorry for the spam, but could you come to my account and rate it? I want to get into trends and dial 600 subscribers. Thank you in advance. Sorry one more time. 🙏❤😻
2019-01-01 17:01 Somebody Love the idea 💡 ❤️