Ill still prolly post till the end but this is my goodbye post. Iv had a lot of fun on sketch and never would have improved without it. I appreciate all of you and thank you for ur support:) #sketch #endofsketch #goodbye #otto #axel #ottoandaxel

Posted on Sep 15, 2019 by
@iambillcipher Jassythegoat

487 likes 9 comments

Ill still prolly post till the end but this is my goodbye post. Iv had a lot of fun on sketch and never would have improved without it. I appreciate all of you and thank you for ur support:) #sketch #endofsketch #goodbye #otto #axel #ottoandaxel
2019-09-09 22:09 Somebody Your sketch has just been featured ♥️
2019-09-09 00:09 Somebody Congrats!!!
2019-09-09 00:09 iambillcipher ‪[u:5fc10b58-9a2d-47fb-bb28-e35bd418442d]‬ thx sm!:)
2019-09-09 07:09 Somebody This style is super cute! And congrats on the feature!
2019-09-09 14:09 iambillcipher ‪[u:b69b9b7e-841a-4fb8-a4df-1826282052e4]‬ thanks! I really like the style too but am surprised it turned out so well bc this was my first ditgital and colorful attemt at the style😂!
2019-09-09 17:09 Somebody Вз подписка
2019-09-09 14:09 Somebody Круто
2019-09-09 11:09 Somebody بل مر ه قبيحه😵💩💩💩😝😝😵😵😵😵😨😨😱😱
2019-09-09 17:09 Somebody Bon