Not sure if this is technically abstract, but whatever. This is 100% Sketch, btw. #fridayswithsketch #abstractchallenge #girl #bird #red #elf #random ‪@sonysketch‬ (Edit: My first featured sketch! TSYM!)

Posted on Aug 23, 2017 by
@Send_Help ✒That Weird Child Artist✒

791 likes 28 comments

Not sure if this is technically abstract, but whatever. This is 100% Sketch, btw. #fridayswithsketch #abstractchallenge #girl #bird #red #elf #random ‪@sonysketch‬  (Edit: My first featured sketch! TSYM!)
2017-08-08 22:08 Send_Help Thank you! ^w^ ‪[u:55bd95ab-bcea-4d00-b448-3e21f82164fe]‬
2017-08-08 23:08 Send_Help Oh my god, thank you so much! That's probably the nicest compliment I've recieved for my art! *hug* ‪[u:55bd95ab-bcea-4d00-b448-3e21f82164fe]‬
2017-08-08 09:08 sonysketch Congratulations! This sketch has been added to Featured. /#SonySketch
2017-08-08 12:08 Somebody Very nice 👍
2017-08-08 17:08 Send_Help ‪[u:0195a353-f9f8-4d21-9e09-55476636234d]‬ Thank you! It took forever to draw... but thanks! ^w^
2017-08-08 17:08 Somebody Welcome 👍😊
2017-08-08 19:08 Somebody PLEASE FOLLOW ‪[u:3b2778d3-19c5-4563-aefb-91a2e271cd16]‬
2017-08-08 20:08 Somebody 👍👌
2017-08-08 21:08 Belen ♥ beautiful♥♥♥♡♡ ^^
2017-08-08 02:08 Somebody If you go out in the world part, it looks like part of another sketch
2017-08-08 02:08 Somebody Cool art
2017-08-08 09:08 Somebody Amazing! And congrats!
2017-08-08 10:08 Send_Help Thank you! ‪[u:229c5c59-daea-4676-9019-f1b1bfd6f5e2]‬
2017-08-08 01:08 Somebody DONT READ THIS.YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST FRIDAY BY THE LOVE YOUR LIFE NOW YOUVE STARTED READING THIS dONT STOP THIS SO FREAKY 1. say your name ten times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes name 3 times 4. send this to 15 ppl but if you read this and ignore it you will have bad luck SEND this to 15 ppl in 143 Minutes WHEN your Done PRESS the space bar and your crushes name will appear in big letters on the a screen This is so Creepy cos it works !!
2017-08-08 04:08 Somebody Hello!! Your art is incredible! If you have the time, and feel like it, please join my contest!! You have until September 10th!! Several great artists have already joined, will you be one of them?
2017-08-08 14:08 Somebody Wow👏👌👍.......please like my sketch also
2017-08-08 14:08 Somebody Wow👏👌👍
2017-08-08 16:08 Send_Help Thank you, ‪[u:91b76122-e5ed-4da5-8ae9-e8497323d680]‬ !
2017-08-08 17:08 Somebody Amazing!
2017-08-08 21:08 Mr_Drawing Amazing!!! If you want check my sketches😊
2017-08-08 13:08 Somebody Pretty
2017-08-08 00:08 Somebody OMG SO GOOOODDDDD
2017-08-08 00:08 Somebody 👏👐👏👐👏👐👏👐👏👐👏👐 *clapping*
2017-08-08 23:08 Somebody Wow top 👍💗👏
2017-08-08 15:08 Somebody Amazing!
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody Esto es arte😄😘
2017-09-09 16:09 Ravenwing The drawing is amazing, the idea is too. Perfect!!!
2017-09-09 07:09 Somebody That's wonderful!