#Kawaii #sonysketch #fridayswithsketch #mycountry #hk like and subscribe plzzzz.

Posted on Jul 8, 2017 by
@teach_me_swedish Winter&summer(hk)

395 likes 21 comments

#Kawaii #sonysketch #fridayswithsketch #mycountry #hk like and subscribe plzzzz.
2017-07-07 17:07 sonysketch This sketch has been added to Featured. Great job! /#sonysketch
2017-07-07 01:07 Somebody Follow me plz
2017-07-07 07:07 Somebody I need to draw potato's and leprechauns bc I live in Ireland!
2017-07-07 07:07 Somebody Dont ask for followers. Earn them. ‪[u:bc38673f-a537-47eb-8a3e-0b5b8f570922]‬
2017-07-07 11:07 Somebody ,
2017-07-07 12:07 Somebody How can u draw this well?!?!?!??!?!!?
2017-07-07 14:07 Somebody Nice
2017-07-07 14:07 teach_me_swedish Thank you ‪[u:a2ee48a4-11ef-4b5d-8b5a-bcf50bb931d2]‬ ‪[u:5d295cea-c5d6-45c2-9362-7313fff0d8e9]‬
2017-07-07 14:07 Somebody ‪[u:9e08ad08-4050-414b-9bfb-bf161076ed1f]‬ 😄
2017-07-07 08:07 Somebody 我係HK人我👍你
2017-07-07 08:07 teach_me_swedish ‪[u:13d854bf-72cb-4f72-8f36-424b8a266a2d]‬ lol,多謝
2017-07-07 09:07 Somebody Follow me please! :) your sketch is very good! !! 💙❤💜💛💚
2017-07-07 03:07 Somebody 好!
2017-07-07 06:07 Somebody 發現香港人(*/ω\*)
2017-07-07 07:07 teach_me_swedish ‪[u:4038ab29-e879-4996-af1f-8eb70cdb70a1]‬ wwwwwww
2017-07-07 16:07 Somebody Hk the best
2017-07-07 16:07 teach_me_swedish ‪[u:95d231a5-f602-4ee2-ae2f-68cf7cb8e09a]‬ thank you
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody ‪[u:9e08ad08-4050-414b-9bfb-bf161076ed1f]‬ #teamhk
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody I'm Hong Kong people
2017-07-07 08:07 Somebody 你好!
2018-07-07 16:07 Somebody Fy!