It seems to be a universal annoyance that your sweet beautiful baby gets stolen by some creatures. Best just to dump that nasty screaming changeling back to its owners. And hope they return your sweet baby. #mymythology #fridayswithsketch

Posted on Sep 9, 2018 by
@mazalin Mazalin

611 likes 48 comments

It seems to be a universal annoyance that your sweet beautiful baby gets stolen by some creatures. Best just to dump that nasty screaming changeling back to its owners. And hope they return your sweet baby. #mymythology #fridayswithsketch
2018-09-09 17:09 sonysketch Congratulations! 💙 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-09-09 17:09 Fyly_chan Amazing <3
2018-09-09 18:09 Somebody 😭 baby
2018-09-09 20:09 mazalin ‪[u:74dda73b-618b-49be-9219-388f18dd7742]‬ thanks! ‪[u:c5f8fa6d-19dc-4153-80d3-038257371fd1]‬ don't cry for the baby, it is a nasty creature and has to go back 👹
2018-09-09 21:09 Somebody I love this legend! The changelings are like servants for the fairies. They take away male babies and give them to the fairies as slaves, before changing to the baby themselves and taking their place. Often, parents were prepare a fire or boiling water bucket, and place the baby over it. If the baby freaks out and disappears to fly away, it is a changeling. To prevent the changeling from happening at all, mothers would dress their baby boys in dresses and female clothing to delude the changeling into leaving the child, as they only take boys. That’s what I heard the urban legend was :3
2018-09-09 22:09 Somebody Omg so cute you are so talented can you please follow me I’m a beginner
2018-09-09 22:09 hono congratulations to you!
2018-09-09 01:09 Somebody Poor bby
2018-09-09 02:09 Somebody Sorry for the baby 😥😨😭😭😭😢
2018-09-09 02:09 Somebody as this beautiful child was found. you are welcome! :")
2018-09-09 02:09 Somebody Amazing!
2018-09-09 04:09 Somebody Reminds me of Jungle Book
2018-09-09 06:09 Somebody Wow!
2018-09-09 07:09 mazalin ‪[u:bb583964-43e9-4a3a-99b0-0940c0f5c43f]‬ Yep, this kind of tales seem to be common in many cultures even if the details vary a little. I find it interesting how in so many places in the world people have come to explain unexpectedly behaving/looking babies and kids with the changeling theory 🤔
2018-09-09 07:09 mazalin ‪[u:503fade9-4aab-4486-8973-e1d3c4f78f9a]‬, ‪[u:e9cc15d2-75da-480d-8a7b-eea12f263127]‬, ‪[u:e4e41925-f63d-4bda-9539-8564d70ea4bf]‬, ‪[u:69d8ca15-9e1e-4799-808e-726c76aa8485]‬, ‪[u:168f5382-a7ac-4d6d-a9ea-ce43209ad616]‬, ‪[u:f52b973d-3087-4875-bd86-4a2c1859f1cf]‬ thanks for comments guys! And don't worry about the baby, he will get back to his real parents!
2018-09-09 09:09 Somebody ‪[u:fc67e7df-289f-4717-b865-a609245bfde6]‬ 😊
2018-09-09 10:09 Somebody ‪[u:fc67e7df-289f-4717-b865-a609245bfde6]‬ 😊😊😊
2018-09-09 12:09 Somebody خوبه
2018-09-09 18:09 Somebody Бос чего англ иски @(g) _
2018-09-09 19:09 mazalin ‪[u:e5d0729d-85ba-4b04-820c-9040ae83f752]‬, ‪[u:5dbedefd-046a-458b-910f-7b7d9ae8c840]‬ sorry guys, I don't understand your comments 🤷
2018-09-09 19:09 Somebody Dude teach me to DRAW
2018-09-09 21:09 Somebody I'd let fire kill the creatures and take the baby and return her to their parents 😞☹️😡
2018-09-09 02:09 Somebody So 😭 Sads..
2018-09-09 11:09 mazalin ‪[u:4c5ed25c-319f-4e64-b914-066a0ce5e0d3]‬ haha, the only magic is time 👍 ‪[u:e99f3aae-99c9-4cd6-89b2-5570a764044b]‬ & ‪[u:3f2e62a3-0153-4824-939e-6ccbdbe6ddbd]‬ good thing this is not so common belief anymore!
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody The baby is cute the ghost are not its sad
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody 😥😣😢
2018-09-09 19:09 Somebody ‪[u:fc67e7df-289f-4717-b865-a609245bfde6]‬ 😊
2018-09-09 20:09 mazalin ‪[u:23a77791-6910-4d57-a917-e1e12317add4]‬ don't be sad. I'm sure somehow the baby finds a good home. ‪[u:3daff1bb-92b8-4628-ae74-765857556638]‬ ☺️
2018-09-09 05:09 Somebody ‪[u:fc67e7df-289f-4717-b865-a609245bfde6]‬ ok
2018-09-09 06:09 Somebody Ok,Sad
2018-09-09 15:09 Somebody Лапочка
2018-09-09 15:09 Somebody :*(
2018-09-09 20:09 Katja_S This one is great😊😊
2018-09-09 20:09 mazalin ‪[u:fab5c7d1-ee8d-487d-b119-dd93be8541f9]‬, ‪[u:b4490222-038a-4ed5-898f-b94f6af6a7dd]‬ don't worry! ‪[u:27116beb-55d9-4d9a-8a92-c208470d9b7c]‬ sorry, I don't understand your message ‪[u:88823645-8556-4fab-b185-99a50b7f2de9]‬ thanks!
2018-09-09 05:09 Somebody It's beautiful
2018-09-09 21:09 Somebody Is so sad 😭😭😭
2018-09-09 22:09 mazalin ‪[u:27116beb-55d9-4d9a-8a92-c208470d9b7c]‬ thanks! ‪[u:8b9bccbf-11e0-4d5b-b5ff-bf6a1e76e599]‬ don't worry, I'm sure the baby will find a good home eventually.
2018-09-09 08:09 Somebody ....
2018-09-09 17:09 Somebody Aklıma Adventure Time de ki Fiin geldi...
2018-09-09 20:09 Somebody Бедная!😭
2018-10-10 13:10 Somebody OMG
2018-11-11 13:11 Somebody 😍
2018-11-11 21:11 Spikey_Bunny I love all this glowing yellow eye! They look scared! 😜
2018-11-11 21:11 mazalin ‪[u:e76046b5-24e6-477f-beea-271f980e474d]‬ & ‪[u:1945f1e2-fd8c-4e7a-bc3b-d349d5108e51]‬ Thank you! ‪[u:bb54ddb6-9099-45be-8394-c4333998b7cd]‬ haha, they might just be as scared of the baby as the baby is scared of them 😁
2018-12-12 07:12 Somebody 😭
2018-12-12 10:12 Somebody This just makes me sad, like a BABY I have a baby brother and yea i dont wanna lose him so it just makes med sad 😭
2018-12-12 20:12 mazalin ‪[u:4a025577-4f46-4e23-a358-c12d3044ef2f]‬ yes, it is kinda sad for all the babies that got dumbed into forests... Unless they weren't real human babies to begin with 🤔
2018-12-12 23:12 Somebody True.... True.... But if they were tho??? Would they get turned into mosters?