How about 80's disco moves #dancechallenge #fridayswithsketch [edit] yes......I got featured for the first time......

Posted on Apr 27, 2018 by
@Kashu_Gashu [°.°]

351 likes 27 comments

How about 80's disco moves #dancechallenge #fridayswithsketch [edit]  yes......I got featured for the first time......
2018-04-04 22:04 sonysketch Congratulations! 🌈 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-04-04 22:04 ununiqueusername Cool, I love 80's xDDD Shading is perfect by the way and Congrats on getting featured
2018-04-04 03:04 Kashu_Gashu Thank you ‪[u:890892c2-837a-4cce-9e62-0dc321990741]‬
2018-04-04 10:04 ununiqueusername You're welcome
2018-04-04 16:04 Somebody واو
2018-04-04 16:04 Somebody ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ I did not know that you can comment on drawings by the way can you comment on my thanks.
2018-04-04 16:04 Somebody My channel: 💖PLZ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL!! I opened it today💖SORRY 4 SPAM, LIL' BRIOCHES!!😻😺
2018-04-04 16:04 Somebody PS i love Saturday Night Fever and 80s in general
2018-05-05 12:05 Somebody почему это признакам?
2018-05-05 11:05 Somebody How did this get here
2018-05-05 12:05 Kashu_Gashu What do you mean about "how did this get here"?
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Awesome dude!
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Thank you ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ but I am not a dude I am girl......remember^-^
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Dude can mean both, I call my irl friends whom are female dude all the time
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Okay ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ you can kill me dude but just remember I'm a girl.....
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Also what time is it on your country now ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ ?
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Firstly I'm not going to kill you, second it's 10:10 am
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Oh sorry maybe I got you mad but it means 'call' sorry ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ ... It's my keyboards and myself fault.......
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Yeah I know I was being funny :D
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Me too I was like 'o' what did I write..... "kill"!!!! Oh no!!#!!!#! I was like that.... hope you didn't get it wrong ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody 🤣😂
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Where do you live ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ .... do you live in New York
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody I prefer to keep that private
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Okay I understand ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Thx!
2018-09-09 16:09 Kashu_Gashu Sorry but I need to sleep now cuz it's 10:26 pm in our country already and my phone only have 5% left.... so bye ‪[u:f789a131-df5a-444a-a06e-c5f7de0dc2e1]‬ let's continue talking tomorrow.... It's nice being your friend....^-^
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody Same and good luck getting some z's!