Eu desenhei a Menina Emoji, eu quero que vocês falem um nome para ela🤗 pelo o menos 20 curtidas #myemotion

Posted on Jun 17, 2018 by
@Aninhazinha_Uni Aninhazinha_BX1

302 likes 12 comments

Eu desenhei a Menina Emoji, eu quero que vocês falem um nome para ela🤗 pelo o menos 20 curtidas #myemotion
2018-06-06 10:06 sonysketch Congratulations! Your sketch has just been featured 💛
2018-06-06 17:06 Aninhazinha_Uni Thanks ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬
2018-06-06 23:06 Somebody DONT READ THIS.YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST FRIDAY BY THE LOVE YOUR LIFE NOW YOUVE STARTED READING THIS dONT STOP THIS SO FREAKY 1. say your name ten times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes name 3 times 4. send this to 15 ppl but if you read this and ignore it you will have bad luck SEND this to 15 ppl in 143 Minutes WHEN your Done PRESS the space bar and your crushes name will appear in big letters on the a screen This is so Creepy cos it works !!
2018-06-06 02:06 Somebody Aaaa que fofaa
2018-06-06 02:06 Aninhazinha_Uni Obg ‪[u:4f7a20a8-479a-41ee-8638-628fe970daca]‬
2018-06-06 02:06 Aninhazinha_Uni 🤗🤗🤗
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody Nanda ou nandinha ;^
2018-06-06 02:06 Aninhazinha_Uni Ok obg
2018-06-06 02:06 Aninhazinha_Uni 🤗🤗🤗
2018-06-06 15:06 Somebody Liza
2018-06-06 17:06 Somebody Sorry for the spam but can you see my picture I hope you can reach 100 like and can you see other graphics here -----> #nonil
2018-07-07 14:07 Somebody МИЛО И КРАСИВО!!!