Part 2: I'm awful at explaining things but I tried, I hope this helps #lips #tutorial #liptutorial #fridayswithsketch #mysketchtutorial

Posted on Jul 30, 2017 by
Diet Crayola bgp by emiz art

397 likes 9 comments

Part 2: I'm awful at explaining things but I tried, I hope this helps #lips #tutorial #liptutorial #fridayswithsketch #mysketchtutorial
2017-07-07 22:07 Somebody Thank u ❤️❤️
2017-07-07 01:07 Somebody Tysm, amazing tips 💕💕💕 Think I might do my lips slightly differently now 😉
2017-08-08 11:08 Diet Crayola bgp by emiz art ‪[u:ad36f097-4e78-431a-9681-a55c9aecce86]‬ OHMYHECKIJUSTSAWTHIS
2017-08-08 11:08 sonysketch Congratulations! This sketch has been added to Featured. /#SonySketch
2017-08-08 11:08 Asiululu Super!😊👍
2017-08-08 15:08 Somebody Nice tutorial ;)
2017-08-08 19:08 Somebody ‪[u:73e5ddd3-8ff1-456c-848e-0e31c52a8db4]‬ stole your art
2017-08-08 19:08 Diet Crayola bgp by emiz art ‪[u:38e3b0ac-7b8d-4b85-97cc-87078f275e79]‬ Thanks for the heads up ♥