My favorite class is the spy. For real though this dude gives me heart attacks regardless if I'm playing as him or not! #gamechallenge #fridayswithsketch #teamfortress2 #spy #minimalist #minimalism #100PercentSketch

Posted on Mar 22, 2019 by
@Framed51 Framed51

758 likes 52 comments

My favorite class is the spy. For real though this dude gives me heart attacks regardless if I'm playing as him or not! #gamechallenge #fridayswithsketch #teamfortress2 #spy #minimalist #minimalism #100PercentSketch
2019-03-03 22:03 Framed51 Oof the low quality. Oh well
2019-03-03 22:03 Somebody ‪[u:7af156f2-7cd3-4ee7-a661-09c6dc1ae03b]‬ THANKS AND HAVE FUN!
2019-03-03 21:03 sonysketch Congratulations! 🎮 Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-03-03 22:03 Somebody Mmmm tf2 🌚 , It's beautiful 👍👍
2019-03-03 22:03 Somebody Red spy in the base!!!
2019-03-03 22:03 Somebody Gentelmen, it smells like spies in here
2019-03-03 22:03 Somebody Spi
2019-03-03 22:03 Framed51 I can't wait for team fortress 2.5!
2019-03-03 23:03 Somebody Its me LOL
2019-03-03 23:03 Somebody :D TF2!!
2019-03-03 23:03 Somebody Stupidh bloodhy spahs
2019-03-03 02:03 Somebody TF2 OUO
2019-03-03 06:03 Somebody OMG YEEEEESSSSS
2019-03-03 07:03 Somebody Is nice
2019-03-03 09:03 Somebody Woah!
2019-03-03 10:03 Somebody all the sniper-mains are shaking
2019-03-03 11:03 Somebody Wow
2019-03-03 12:03 Somebody Nice
2019-03-03 12:03 Somebody Hey Congrats on being featured... 💖💞
2019-03-03 13:03 Somebody Nice
2019-03-03 19:03 Somebody Team Fortress 2 Right?
2019-03-03 23:03 Framed51 ‪[u:0cca1142-119f-41c3-8af2-148be8a3ec14]‬ yup!
2019-03-03 02:03 Somebody swag
2019-03-03 03:03 Somebody Spy 'round here
2019-03-03 11:03 Somebody SPY!
2019-03-03 16:03 Somebody Spies, bloody useless
2019-03-03 17:03 DatCurlyGirl My friend hates Spy xd also, really cool drawing!
2019-03-03 06:03 Somebody Spy, what?
2019-03-03 11:03 Somebody O/////o spy!
2019-03-03 12:03 Somebody I spent my xmas money on a dead ringer only to continue playing engineer
2019-03-03 14:03 Somebody Its a ugly!!!!!!
2019-03-03 14:03 Framed51 ‪[u:d161d7ef-d2db-41dd-910e-499b3171da84]‬ yup, spies tend to be ugly baguette people.
2019-03-03 17:03 Somebody I LOVE spy UwU
2019-03-03 17:03 Somebody I love scout
2019-03-03 21:03 Somebody Wait wait wait the only thing that's going to kill a spy is a pyro the pyros will rule the earth and BURN ALL, right?
2019-03-03 21:03 Somebody Wait wait wait the only thing that's going to kill a spy is a pyro the pyros will rule the earth and BURN ALL, right?
2019-03-03 21:03 Framed51 ‪[u:ee1fa675-6f17-434b-89a6-b4e9205bfded]‬ yup, but let's not forget that spy can be killed by throwing piss at him.
2019-03-03 05:03 Somebody We got a spy creeping around here!!!!
2019-03-03 13:03 Somebody That heavys a spy
2019-03-03 15:03 Somebody фууууууу
2019-03-03 19:03 Somebody WE NEED TO PROTECT THE BRIEFCASE!!!
2019-03-03 15:03 Somebody I was actually looking through the featured to see if anything with tf2 got featured, and when I was this, I got really happy :0
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody "Im going to gut you like a cornish game hen"
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody SPY LAUGH.MP4
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody nice one
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody SPEHCRABBZ
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody Yeah same
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody Spy is a spy.
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Hey everyone. I know we are all sad about sketch closing socially. We all have many friends on here and there is much more to share. Ive started a discord server with a friend to try and have the Sketch community live on. share this link with all your friends and followers. **sorry if I already sent you this message**
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody SPY FOR 2020 PRESIDENT MAKE IT HAPPEN
2019-06-06 18:06 Somebody ¿WTF?
2019-08-08 22:08 Somebody Omg Nice Spy But My Most favorite is Medic after spy... Its cool