#EmojiChallenge #fridayswithsketch REPOST again^^ I just find every time things I want to improve

Posted on Aug 30, 2018 by
@VevevePunkt VevevePunkt

390 likes 34 comments

#EmojiChallenge #fridayswithsketch REPOST again^^ I just find every time things I want to improve
2018-08-08 22:08 Somebody So Lovely! 😅🤩
2018-08-08 00:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:aa27619c-049b-4aa8-8988-a88944e355ac]‬ thank you very much ^^
2018-08-08 09:08 Somebody This is really cool and very well detailed! I could never do something like this even if I tried!
2018-08-08 09:08 sonysketch Congratulations! 🧝‍♂️ Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-08-08 09:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:73313556-2c59-43c9-8459-067e5d31014c]‬ don't say that. You just have to paint a face with one colour skin, than take a darker colour and less colour and make shadow where you know the face have holes like the eyehole. Than take white and make light effekts on nose and bones and where the Light comes from. Please try
2018-08-08 09:08 Somebody ‪[u:66d8d588-6e74-4055-8cc5-55e6dfb4cfed]‬ you just encouraged me to start practicing!
2018-08-08 09:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:73313556-2c59-43c9-8459-067e5d31014c]‬ :D
2018-08-08 10:08 Miyana_Jennie WOHOOOO FEATURED! heheh
2018-08-08 11:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:00edf233-e11a-4916-8e2d-cee3a4cd7752]‬ ^^ like you said
2018-08-08 11:08 Miyana_Jennie ‎[u:66d8d588-6e74-4055-8cc5-55e6dfb4cfed] ^^
2018-08-08 11:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:00edf233-e11a-4916-8e2d-cee3a4cd7752]‬ but I had to make the painting new. Twice...
2018-08-08 11:08 Miyana_Jennie ‪[u:66d8d588-6e74-4055-8cc5-55e6dfb4cfed]‬ that took so long? But u got what u deserve! Thats the important one :)
2018-08-08 11:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:00edf233-e11a-4916-8e2d-cee3a4cd7752]‬ ^^ thank you. You're so kind to me
2018-08-08 13:08 Somebody Wiesiek Ziobro
2018-08-08 22:08 valeriaa Congratulations💕
2018-08-08 23:08 VevevePunkt ‪[u:4ba5704e-03cc-4499-a365-7b95e06e3267]‬ thank you! Your paintings are my guide. Some day I would like to paint people like you
2018-09-09 00:09 Somebody Woah, I didn't know that was an emoji
2018-09-09 10:09 valeriaa ‪[u:66d8d588-6e74-4055-8cc5-55e6dfb4cfed]‬ Aww thank you✨✨🎉😘
2018-09-09 22:09 Somebody Donde está tu baja-ina?
2018-09-09 22:09 Somebody Where is your pu-ssy?
2018-09-09 12:09 Somebody Fantastic
2018-09-09 22:09 VevevePunkt ‪[u:74304af5-0a9b-45e9-94dc-fe9bdbed56bb]‬ thank you very much
2018-09-09 22:09 Somebody Was this done using this app
2018-09-09 20:09 VevevePunkt ‪[u:badfd5a5-31b5-4d4f-89e8-dbfe8c3720d4]‬ Yes. And on my mobile phone
2018-09-09 20:09 Somebody Wow you are really talented
2018-09-09 20:09 VevevePunkt ‪[u:badfd5a5-31b5-4d4f-89e8-dbfe8c3720d4]‬ thank you, but in this app there is much based on technic, knowing how the brushes work and which you should use for example for lightning or something
2018-09-09 14:09 Somebody Is this a man or a *wowman* xd
2018-09-09 17:09 VevevePunkt ‪[u:8dd5cad8-132b-4e18-84ea-7bfcff6ee6e3]‬ ^^ cute! You're very kind, thank you
2018-09-09 17:09 Somebody np
2018-09-09 22:09 Somebody Wowowowwowoowwowowooo
2018-09-09 09:09 Somebody Amazing! I wish I could draw like that ‪[u:66d8d588-6e74-4055-8cc5-55e6dfb4cfed]‬
2018-09-09 22:09 VevevePunkt ‪[u:16fc96b1-c2ca-4366-98a0-2881e398f3b4]‬ you can draw like that, you just need some time and fun. Do a lot of drawings
2019-02-02 14:02 Iamafartist1 This is lovely.Not seen all your drawings yet lol 😀
2019-02-02 14:02 VevevePunkt ‪[u:e792743f-8946-478d-8a5b-9d7360e82cbc]‬ thank you very much!