#myadoptable #fridaywithsketch FluffyPop!!! He needs a home :'3

Posted on Nov 21, 2018 by
@hospe_loveswaffl Hospry

439 likes 34 comments

#myadoptable #fridaywithsketch FluffyPop!!! He needs a home :'3
2018-11-11 02:11 Somebody May I adopt them? qwq
2018-11-11 02:11 Somebody Si cute. May I adopt them?💗
2018-11-11 02:11 Somebody Fluffypop hmm i would adopt him, BUT theres 2 persons waiting for him so well aunt elf is going to go back from she came.
2018-11-11 15:11 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-11-11 19:11 Somebody :3 cute
2018-11-11 22:11 Somebody Thank you so much uwu also Congrats!♥️👍👌
2018-11-11 23:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:08b33c1a-1814-4b1c-8a78-9780f315dfca]‬ thank u :3
2018-11-11 23:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ Thanks!!!
2018-11-11 23:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:b55184b2-6e89-4ff2-b8b3-b17ec81a849d]‬ thanks! i already activated the image export qwp
2018-11-11 23:11 Somebody Thanks!^^ I have export:3
2018-11-11 01:11 Somebody X3
2018-11-11 02:11 Somebody Why did you say Fridays with sketch when yesterday was Tuesday not Friday
2018-11-11 05:11 Somebody Looks nice!
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:50a005f1-9cb2-40ed-b520-afb4db555a86]‬ thanks!
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:424c8d01-d308-423f-b938-d5cc98e1b5a3]‬ sorry but it was already adopted ;-;
2018-11-11 12:11 Somebody Aa.. soo cute:3
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:659a75cd-69f6-4e12-850c-49152bc717d3]‬ thank you :3
2018-11-11 01:11 Somebody Hail PewDiePie
2018-11-11 13:11 Somebody ┻┳I I'm just .... ┳┻| ┻┳I ┳┻|         ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┻┳I ∧   going to ... ┳┻| ・) ┻┳Io)  ┳┻| J  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┳┻| ∧ _∧  put this... ┻┳I • ω • ) ┳┻| obeautifulo ┻┳I ―J’  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┳┻|∧ _∧  here ... ┻┳I • ω •) ┳┻|  つ つ ┻┳|ーJ'   beautiful  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┳┻|∧  and leave... ┻┳I •) ┳┻|o) ┻┳|J        beautiful  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┻┳I  .... And now.. I'm gone ┳┻|  ┻┳ ┳┻|         beautiful  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
2018-11-11 16:11 Somebody Wow... stop, it's a Blueprint?
2018-11-11 02:11 Somebody Does he have the big gay?
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:c5ecd191-d968-4466-8017-06c9557cd70f]‬ what?
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:c6ad54a7-d3da-48ad-af0c-a8c8712e8cf7]‬ thank you :3
2018-11-11 12:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:63b5c345-fa6a-423c-8bfc-81e0aa0d69c4]‬ uhhh... what? ;-;
2018-11-11 00:11 Somebody ‪[u:814e5159-7aef-4162-a221-15f4f5d40b34]‬ because I need to know, gay ship=yay ship
2018-11-11 00:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:63b5c345-fa6a-423c-8bfc-81e0aa0d69c4]‬ hahaha... uh, FluffyPop is no gender (although it looks like a boy) but he like your friends, maybe (probably no) he is interessed in some friend... uh, i dont know. This will depend on its owner.
2018-11-11 00:11 Somebody Well I had another account but it broke ‪[u:814e5159-7aef-4162-a221-15f4f5d40b34]‬ and if you're saying my original account is the friend then I'm sorry
2018-11-11 00:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:63b5c345-fa6a-423c-8bfc-81e0aa0d69c4]‬ uhhh okay?
2018-11-11 00:11 Somebody ‪[u:814e5159-7aef-4162-a221-15f4f5d40b34]‬ It's ok I'm just saying? Idk
2018-11-11 00:11 Somebody ‪[u:814e5159-7aef-4162-a221-15f4f5d40b34]‬ your a better artist than me , love you good bye
2018-11-11 00:11 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:63b5c345-fa6a-423c-8bfc-81e0aa0d69c4]‬ ahahaha, thank you! :v love u too
2018-11-11 00:11 Somebody ‪[u:814e5159-7aef-4162-a221-15f4f5d40b34]‬ lol
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody Is he still for adoption? ;--;
2019-03-03 16:03 hospe_loveswaffl ‪[u:6c336c65-825c-42ce-9527-e1da4b7a3011]‬ hm... Yes :v