#SaveSonySketch #SaveSketch #sketchchan

Posted on Apr 24, 2019 by
@jasperated Tamara ♡

9075 likes 257 comments

#SaveSonySketch #SaveSketch #sketchchan
2019-04-04 00:04 jasperated I've had sketch for four years now.. I've learned a lot and met a lot of amazing people..And hearing that Sketch is shutting down is honestly heart breaking.. Ive watched the community grow, and I've watched amazing and inspiring artists come and go.. But the community became toxic.. And as Sketch became more popular more people started to do horrible things..
2019-04-04 00:04 jasperated And it pains to me to know that there's not a lot we could've done to help stop this. We were the ones who decided to make these decisions. Yes, there were people who tried to help, and y'all are honestly angels. But like I said our efforts weren't enough to help.
2019-04-04 00:04 jasperated But that doesn't mean we should loose hope.. All of us, have the power to make a difference. We still can try to change things. All we need to do is work together. And have hope ❤
2019-04-04 00:04 jasperated please, since I probably won't be posting here that much anymore, please follow my Instagram account if you'd still like to see my art. : _jasperated I'll make a separate account were I'll post everything I've posted on here: jasperated.archives
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody look at my profile and SING THE PETITION TOO!! We CAN SAVE SKETCH!!!!
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Excuse me good sir don't make me eMoTiOnAl
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Aww
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody If you don't want to leave sketch forever join the sketchers Amino!http://aminoapps.com/invite/2KIHOZYSQ1
2019-04-04 01:04 jasperated ‪[u:e25b502d-7bef-4415-acdb-b8c17d5aa89d]‬ Holy crap! I forgot to that Amino was a thing! I'll make sure to join the community! ^^ 💛
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody ‪[u:e25b502d-7bef-4415-acdb-b8c17d5aa89d]‬ Just joined!
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Ah... this is gonna make me cry. ;w;
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody (
2019-04-04 03:04 Somebody :(((
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody Ya put #SaveSonySketch and put #GoodbyeSketch WHAT THE HECK
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody Hi! I'm here to try and convince you to help me and others because we need to save Sketch! If you didn't know the online community from Sketch is closing down on September 30!!! There is a petition that every sketcher needs to sing! We need 2000 people to sign this petition.... a big number I know.... but every signing is important! So please sign here: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch REPOST THIS MESSAGE AND PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, WE CAN DO THIS! Thank you so much💕💕🎨
2019-04-04 10:04 Somebody nOOO OTTO-
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody This got me hard
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody Omg. this photo is beutifull. Im so sad this is happening. SKETCH will allways be with us 😖
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody ‪[u:f2ba4d71-88fc-40c1-8c3a-5a4019033ce0]‬ yess
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody http://aminoapps.com/c/Sketch2199 for when sketch disappears, a community has started since yesterday. Talented artists are here, spreading the word. Over 60 new members since yesterday. Join when sketch goes down, or start here early and put down roots.
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody Bye otto(
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody _______________________ | we I | can save sketch I | ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 I I #SaveSketch | |__________| (\__/) || ( · - · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 16:04 sonysketch Your sketch has just been featured ❤️
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody I will miss sketch :(.. I had a good time with drawing on it. :(
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody I want this to be exportable so I could remember thus day while I still can
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody Sign the pention http://chng.it/R5nHBFBhKy
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody 😭
2019-04-04 18:04 Kath_Ivy This drawing made me cry very much. And i just realized how much ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ is important to a lot of us! And im gonna promise i'll keep Sketch-Chan, Axel & Otto alive in my heart!!!
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/ Sign here to save sketch! There are 913 petitions we need 2000! So who wants to save sketch sign pls!! After copy and share in an another popular post!
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody 😭
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody NOOO DONT DO THIS TO ME- :,((((
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Guys, it's not too late!It is necessary to put 5 stars and good reviews! Maybe the sketch won't close! Send this comment everywhere!💫🍑
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Dear Sketchers this is extremely important information! If you have an IOS ignore this as I've been notified the app isn't for you. However if you want to still be able to have an app like sketch please click these links for more information. The app is called PEN UP and is free in the Play store app My PEN UP: https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/197039c5-2166-43b6-81f4-a57495c52460 (please look in the comments of this post for information about the app) Other link about pen up that u need to know: https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/66ee2454-c15f-4db9-b12a-d3855ca9dfaa
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody I've found two petitiona going to save sketch! Sign both to help the save sketch! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/ https://www.change.org/p/sony-have-sony-sketch-continue-with-the-community-feature?recruiter=947871786&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&u
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | | | | |___________| (\__/) || ( • v• ) ||. /   づ
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Is there any wasy to save sketch ?#SaveSonySketch
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Hey everyone. I know we are all sad about sketch closing socially. We all have many friends on here and there is much more to share. Ive started a discord server with a friend to try and have the Sketch community live on. share this link with all your friends and followers. https://discord.gg/cCqSfDk. **sorry if I already sent you this message**
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody POOR OTTO
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Beautiful
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody Guys, it's not too late!It is necessary to put 5 stars and good reviews! Maybe the sketch won't close! Send this comment everywhere!
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody ‪[u:d252dc58-d47c-4888-8d58-64f160594e54]‬ money
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody ‪[u:ca3baa0e-b00d-4fd8-b015-af639d686ef0]‬ we dont have it 😭😭
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | ❤️💔❤️💔 | | #LOVE | |__________| (\__/) || ( • _• ) || no pls. /   づ
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody Oh no not otto 😭😭
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody ‪[u:0259933a-fc7a-417c-9fbd-be9d5784b376]‬ I'm trying to be strong but seeing all these sketch chan drawings get featured is breaking my fucking heart li k e o w
2019-04-04 22:04 amandalm ❤❤❤
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/fr-fr/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/ go here to support sketch
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | ❤️💔❤️💔 | | #LOVE | |__________| (\__/) || ( • _• ) || no pls. /   づ
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody 😭
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Export plz
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody 😣😢😭 Good bye sketch well miss ya ❤💔
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Please stop making me sad
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Please....
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Ok
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody ;w;
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody #SAVESKETCHHOMEBOIS
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody This is so sad, I should play despacito
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody My heart :"(((
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody DAMN IT THE FEELS
2019-04-04 03:04 Somebody 😭😭😿♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody F
2019-04-04 04:04 KinoLitzyTrashy This is so sad
2019-04-04 04:04 KinoLitzyTrashy https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/db853f60-60ef-4991-b1c7-dd05734fbf94 ya gUys freaking out bc ya have iOS lmao I'm a spammer now fight me
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody *CRIES*
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody ‎[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody This makes me cry
2019-04-04 07:04 Maddie 💔💔💔💔💔💔
2019-04-04 07:04 Somebody Awwee 😭😭
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/4377fc5a-67af-4fb1-b350-096c08150cd9
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/4377fc5a-67af-4fb1-b350-096c08150cd9
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody _____________________ | we I | can save sketch I | ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 I I #SaveSketch | |__________| (\__/) | ( · - • ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 10:04 Somebody ‪[u:b708d690-ce2e-4d04-9860-cd6618f4d808]‬ I agree! :3
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody WHAT DID I MISS ?!
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody ‪[u:b708d690-ce2e-4d04-9860-cd6618f4d808]‬ I also agree! We must put our effort! We can do this!
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody Найди открытый замок 🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔓🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒🔒 Закрой руку ✊(не открывай) Загадай два желания💫 Сильно подуй💨 Перешли 15 людям 📤📱 Открой руку и посмотри ✋
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody We can save sketch! Look at this! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/fr-fr/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody Класс
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody ...
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody Cute and sad
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody #We٠do٠not٠want٠you٠to٠close٠the٠drawing٠program
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody Omg I'm almost crying.... 😫❤️
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody ‪[u:623cb4e1-51bc-4ed7-aca9-b47f6281762f]‬ oh my glob yes thx u for sharing that
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody Cute and sad...
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody :'(
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody :((
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody So cool!!!!#SaveSketch
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody ;-;
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody Comment t'as fait ça😮😮😮😮😮!
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody :'(
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody hello please sign the petition to save sketch: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/ worth it trust me please and for the sake of sketching
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody http://chng.it/9ySjrHJRhV
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody SAVE SONY SKETCH!
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody ... i'm really cryning
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody Oowwww
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody im goling to cry
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Going*
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Fallow me please
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody This broke my heart!!😭😭
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody We'll all die with sketch,together....
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Pls export!!!!
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody I want export
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Wow
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Seth quady aqua
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Sketch is Save!!!!
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody В.
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Неь
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Ника
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/c5cf41e7-a4b2-48d7-a0fd-132440a8158a
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody ‪[u:b46d9847-90a4-4fa2-a03c-81e35281e7e0]‬ ‪[u:6b772e99-3490-427b-a6ef-5a009187c6f0]‬ ‪[u:5dc86f4e-ac72-4597-ae33-028f7e3f4dbd]‬ ‪[u:43a03a98-0d74-4242-b207-5f5a5c01bbeb]‬ ‪[u:6be51a95-43d0-4e3b-bca7-3861590e45d7]‬
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/c5cf41e7-a4b2-48d7-a0fd-132440a8158a
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody ‎? [u:1284be4f-764a-4801-a02b-8238df3ad22d]
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody ‪[u:6be51a95-43d0-4e3b-bca7-3861590e45d7]‬ oops lol
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody xD its okay ‪[u:1284be4f-764a-4801-a02b-8238df3ad22d]‬
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody Oooooh☹
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody http://chng.it/TXQS9w228p
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody https://discord.gg/bWCqZfm #Sonysketch #savesketch #sketch #art #savesonysketch #savesketchcommunity #savesonysketchplease #savesonysketchnow
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/c5cf41e7-a4b2-48d7-a0fd-132440a8158a
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody @Foxy_Tm
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody pls help me add me flowers @Foxy_Tm
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody Sry HEART BROKEN
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody OTTO IS SO SMOL
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody HE MUSNT DIE
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody SAVE SKETCH!
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody WUT? AS WELL? THE SKETCH IS GOING TO FINISH?
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody This art work is sad and adorable
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody No poor otto boi
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Que legal esse desenho amei Parabéns
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Noo
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody "Until 30th or September everyone walk around with a coloured pencil and bright clothes and every year on the 30th of September wear bright clothes to show sketch!" Sorry for the spam
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody Fallow me pls plssss
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody HhhHHHhHHhHHhHHHhHHHhHHhHHHhHHHHHhHHHHhHHHH
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 03:04 TreeSnail2000 SKETCH should sell the clothes all sketch personas wear and and Otto plush it's and other sketch related characters xD I honestly want that sweatshirt that sketch-chan has and the clothes (overalls) suketchi wears. Also this art is awesome 😍😤👍 totally sets the mood
2019-04-04 03:04 Somebody UAHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO!!!😭😭😭
2019-04-04 03:04 Somebody Would it help if we all begged for jazza to make a video about this so sony would have to keep te community part?
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody 😭😭😭
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody I'm seriously crying right now, like, omg.....
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | Sub. | | 2. | | Pewdiepie. | |_________________| (\__/) || ( -._-. ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody I almost cry 😭
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody Right in the feels, damn it.
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody Why could this happen? Because of Google Play, I'm fucking sure
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody (Sad)
2019-04-04 08:04 Somebody Have u heard of PENUP? It's like sketch but u can post videos of u drawing and stuff, it's not as good as sketch but it's where I'm going when sketch dies. Unless u have IOS then u should get it. Sorry if this is spam. Copy and comment on other people's to get the message around! Вы слышали о PENUP? Это как набросок, но вы можете публиковать видео с вашими рисунками и прочим, это не так хорошо, как набросок, это то, куда я иду, когда умирает скетч. Если у вас нет IOS, вы должны его получить. Извините, если это спам. Скопируйте и прокомментируйте других людей, чтобы получить сообщение!
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody 😥😥
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody ‪[u:fe03bb7c-97e3-4106-837b-9666127d3eb6]‬ because it wasn't making enough money for Sony and the servers cost more money than how much money Sony Sketch earns
2019-04-04 10:04 Somebody Saddd
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody Export?
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody Export? Pls it's so good
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody ‪[u:66605c88-8cea-4a83-bfdb-fdffe7fd979b]‬ i am there.
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody Wuts ur user
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody ‎[u:f3302646-d775-43a6-9e00-37e862f7434c]
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody ‪[u:66605c88-8cea-4a83-bfdb-fdffe7fd979b]‬ MoonieNyanGacha
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody ‪[u:0259933a-fc7a-417c-9fbd-be9d5784b376]‬ pls allow export, it's so good!
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody SAVE SKETCH!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💓💓
2019-04-04 14:04 Somebody :'(
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody Mast
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody Im crying ;-;
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody #nobodycansavesketch
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody :(
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody .(( Жила-была девушка с парнем. Парня убила, сама повесилась. Разошли это к пяти комментариям, иначе через 10 минут у тебя будет чувство, как будто за тобой кто-то наблюдает. Ты обернёшься и увидишь её с ножом. Она будет преследовать тебя пять лет, а потом убьёт. Я успел, поэтому спокоен.
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody .(( Жила-была девушка с парнем. Парня убила, сама повесилась. Разошли это к пяти комментариям, иначе через 10 минут у тебя будет чувство, как будто за тобой кто-то наблюдает. Ты обернёшься и увидишь её с ножом. Она будет преследовать тебя пять лет, а потом убьёт. Я успел, поэтому спокоен.
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody I cant believe it!! Im so upset! #savesketch
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Wait i don't understand what's going on
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Its probably leaving cuz of friking stupid drawings that are innapropiate and gross af (as firework :) )
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody So... bye, bye miss american pie. Drove the chevee to the levee but the levee was dry. Then all old boys, drinking whiskey and wine, singing "this'll be the day that I'll die". This"ll be the day that I'll die...
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody THIS IS SO SAD NO 😔😔😥😣😢😢
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody NOOO
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody IT CANT END LIKE THIS
2019-04-04 20:04 Somebody ‎[u:d95e0b3b-e133-4cdf-9268-ae615c7858ff]
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody HOW DARE YOU 😭😭😭💔
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody Bye everyone
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody Hello everyone! The petition won’t work because it isn’t a real ‘action’ sketch did say THEMSELVES that they aren’t going to continue online, we should just enjoy it while it lasts because we have 5 months
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody Пожалуйста 🌚🌝зайди на мой акк🌚🌝и подпишись, если тебе понравиться🌚🌝и лайкнуть фото🌝🌚
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody I AM DUCKING CRYING
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody Lindo veio VC é merlho do que eu 0 , 0
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody #SaveSketch
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/d20a86e2-2fca-4af5-bd5a-3b10f58f6ec3
2019-04-04 23:04 Somebody This hurts me right in the feels
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody Export ‪[u:0259933a-fc7a-417c-9fbd-be9d5784b376]‬ ?
2019-04-04 00:04 Somebody :(
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Hey if you want to save sketch go to the internet and type in "save sony sketch" go to the first website and sign up if we get 2000 people to sign up sketch will be saved! #SaveSonySketch Please send this to as much people as possible I promise it's real and it's not a waste of time thank you for caring! ❤❤
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody ‪[u:10299afc-f517-4993-a67e-1c20922f99ed]‬ thx now I can spread the word
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody I don't want sketch to shut!!😢😭
2019-04-04 02:04 Somebody ...
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | | | | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 05:04 Somebody 😭😭😭💔💔💔
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody Набросок удалят 30 сентября! Публикуй совместные работы чтоб спасти набросок! Умоляй авторов! Набросок должен жить! И распространяй это сообщение чтоб все узнали! Это не спам! Я просто хочу спасти набросок! __________________________________ Sketch will be removed on September 30! Publish collaborations to save the sketch! Beg the authors! Sketch must live! And spread this message so that everyone will know! This is not spam! I just want to save the sketch!!!!
2019-04-04 07:04 Somebody 😭😭
2019-04-04 08:04 Somebody Damn those likes but i miss otto an sketch too 😧
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody I can export plzz? 😭😭😭
2019-04-04 11:04 Somebody What is happening to sketch??
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody #SaveSonySketch
2019-04-04 15:04 Somebody https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/a82b7572-08c4-4d84-9673-f78f13ebbb69 is late T^T.......
2019-04-04 18:04 Somebody #SaveSonySketch
2019-04-04 18:04 jasperated ‪[u:20865613-7b5a-463d-b5d1-bf5d0b328259]‬ It's shutting down.
2019-04-04 18:04 jasperated ‪[u:4e155b55-f1b2-42b4-bb93-e7a72bdf6167]‬ ‪[u:bc54f386-6cda-4d83-b8b9-3d350872245d]‬ ‪[u:1e64454e-b6bc-42f7-96fb-7746f42d9e39]‬ Sorry, but I'm not allowing an export because I don't want people to repost or steal this.
2019-04-04 18:04 jasperated ‪[u:fe03bb7c-97e3-4106-837b-9666127d3eb6]‬ I think Sony just doesn't want to fund the app anymore.
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody ;-;
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody It is too late already
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody *dies*
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody Imma ruin the 6666 likes >:D
2019-04-04 22:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | | #SaveSonySketch | |___________| (\__/) || ( · ^ · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody If you want to help keep sketch up https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody If you want to help keep sketch up https://www.thepetitionsite.com/576/301/092/save-sony-sketch/
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody Thank you Sketch! https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/61e7b64c-f439-4a2b-9932-b2aa1d104d7f
2019-04-04 09:04 Somebody Привет не хочешь вступить в амино "возрождение наброска" Вот ссылка пожалуйста вступи (http://aminoapps.com/c/SonySketchAminoRu) 😍😚
2019-04-04 12:04 Somebody ‪[u:f6593048-b5fe-4c6d-b90d-c80c23225a09]‬ по ссылке в коментах нельзя войти
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody ‪[u:556c7c6d-e031-42a7-9068-e54396cba7ee]‬ я знаю
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody ‪[u:f6593048-b5fe-4c6d-b90d-c80c23225a09]‬ я поняло! Можно скопировать и в гугле набрать. Все, я свами!
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody С вами)
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody ‪[u:556c7c6d-e031-42a7-9068-e54396cba7ee]‬ ок, спс😝😜
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody .(( Жила-была девушка с парнем. Парня убила, сама повесилась. Разошли это к пяти комментариям, иначе через 10 минут у тебя будет чувство, как будто за тобой кто-то наблюдает. Ты обернёшься и увидишь её с ножом. Она будет преследовать тебя пять лет, а потом убьёт. Я успел, поэтому спокоен.
2019-04-04 13:04 Somebody Круто
2019-04-04 16:04 Somebody Sad and Cute ❤️
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody I'm cryyyyyiiiing
2019-04-04 17:04 Somebody We can help ! Let us help! We want to save sketch! Sign the pention http://chng.it/R5nHBFBhKy | we I | can save sketch I | ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 I I #SaveSketch | |__________| (\__/) | ( · - · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | #SaveSonySketch | | | | | |___________| (\__/) || ( · - · ) || /   づ
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody People don't panic! The sketch will be stopped on September 30, 2019! Just the Sony Sketh administrator will clear the online server of our sketches and our profiles (yes, of course, this is sad, but we have to accept it), only the sketch has not been cleared for 5 YEARS! So stop the panic! Go
2019-04-04 19:04 Somebody Piss off
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody [u:df602e78-667d-4177-93fc-92758b7a69c5] exactly that's in September not now and it's only April
2019-04-04 21:04 Somebody ‪[u:12f07058-f754-49d0-99ab-cbfa3ae68787]‬ I know
2019-04-04 01:04 Somebody Well thats only just about the single most depressing thing ive seen posted yet
2019-04-04 04:04 Somebody 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
2019-04-04 06:04 Somebody Why do i wanna cry??
2019-05-05 05:05 Somebody This is legit my favorite sketch
2019-05-05 14:05 jasperated ‪[u:d631e538-0b4a-4ef5-b950-0825b9cf22ee]‬ Thank you uwu 💕💕💕💕
2019-05-05 15:05 Somebody Guys it's in September jesus
2019-05-05 03:05 Somebody Soo sad 😢
2019-05-05 07:05 Somebody Im so sad after watching these meaningful and beautiful sketches 😍😫...
2019-05-05 21:05 amandalm ‪[u:9912f637-7e3d-4564-8dec-8b48a641801c]‬ ‪[u:d0aea625-a793-4985-a16e-5ae0e38a9176]‬ ‪[u:76e420bd-dbe2-4a23-807c-91eaa40ccd79]‬ ‪[u:a8cc13cd-af49-4021-883e-73b16e494468]‬ ‪[u:ab76d2f0-6da9-43b9-adc3-4c7ee8bf4c38]‬ ‪[u:119d51da-5b15-4fa4-93e8-07dee9756658]‬ ‪[u:ec2d9819-53ff-4a92-ad2e-8e47793b008a]‬ ‪[u:53b3adee-de53-4c7d-bcf0-5ccfef403107]‬ ‪[u:9ae490d7-77f5-4f23-8051-f19e8e7560ae]‬ ‪[u:5bdf1c54-4d37-4e74-a413-469d044414a6]‬ 💖 If you want Sony to know how you feel about Sketch 🌈 you should go to https://support.sonymobile.com/contactUs/ and voice your opinion 🗯
2019-05-05 11:05 Somebody Hey Congrats on being featured... 💖💞
2019-05-05 11:05 Somebody Aww litlle Otto
2019-05-05 21:05 Somebody Ребята, еще не поздно!Надо ставить 5 звезд и хорошие отзывы! Может быть, скетч не закроется! Отправить этот комментарий везде!💫🍑 ________________________________________ Guys, it's not too late!It is necessary to put 5 stars and good reviews! Maybe the sketch won't close! Send this comment everywhere!💫🍑
2019-05-05 20:05 Somebody https://discord.gg/q4BZvd Everyone here! If you want to stay in touch with your friends and other ppl here, join this discord server! It will be the same, only on other app. Don't let sketch die on every app. RePost this so more ppl can see!
2019-05-05 05:05 Somebody ;^;
2019-05-05 19:05 Somebody This is the one! You did it. The one that really gets me 😢
2019-05-05 15:05 Zanatara_Jackson Would you like to join my challenge? #zayzaycupcakecon It's sorta something to replace #fridayswithsketch, or at least to keep ppl busy
2019-05-05 03:05 Somebody I thought it said i feel sack Xd
2019-05-05 20:05 Somebody Ребята, еще не поздно!Надо ставить 5 звезд и хорошие отзывы! Может быть, скетч не закроется! Отправить этот комментарий везде!💫🍑 ________________________________________ Guys, it's not too late!It is necessary to put 5 stars and good reviews! Maybe the sketch won't close! Send this comment everywhere!💫🍑
2019-05-05 09:05 sketchera684858a Nice
2019-05-05 16:05 Somebody Hello, dear user of the outline! I am new in this application. Please subscribe and push my posts, every lover of pink check it out. Thank you in advance. And by the way, I have mutual subscriptions! 💕🌸Здравствуйте, уважаемый пользователь наброска! Я новичок в этом приложении. Пожалуйста, подпишитесь и оцените мои посты, каждый любитель розового цвета оценит🤗. Заранее спасибо. И, кстати, у меня взаимные подписки! 💕🌸Очень красиво рисуешь!)
2019-06-06 03:06 Somebody Save sketch!!
2019-06-06 11:06 Somebody ;(
2019-06-06 04:06 Somebody F
2019-06-06 12:06 Somebody Вау! Как мило и красиво! Жалко что Набросок удаляют..
2019-07-07 13:07 Somebody G Мне жаль, что я должен был отправить это вам, но теперь, когда вы его открыли, вы не можете перестать читать это. Привет, меня зовут Тереза ​​Фидальго. Я умерла 27 лет. Если вы не отправите это 20 людям, я буду спать на вашей стороне навсегда. Если ты не поверишь, ищи меня. Тереза ​​Фидальго. Так пошлите это 20 людям. Девочка проигнорировала это, и ее мама умерла через 20 дней. NO SEND BACKS !!!!! # скопировал извините, чтобы отправить это. Кстати, это не подделка искать ее на Google извините, так надо
2019-08-08 08:08 Somebody Набросок удалят 30 сентября! Публикуй совместные работы чтоб спасти набросок! Умоляй авторов! Набросок должен жить! И распространяй это сообщение чтоб все узнали! Это не спам! Я просто хочу спасти набросок! __________________________________ Sketch will be removed on September 30! Publish collaborations to save the sketch! Beg the authors! Sketch must live! And spread this message so that everyone will know! This is not spam! I just want to save the sketch!!!!
2019-08-08 17:08 Somebody Сделаю за подписку выши ос по гаче пишите мне
2019-09-09 17:09 Somebody I am so sad