I had siren (a song) stuck in my head and ended up doing this. Then I thought it would be cool to have been a siren in a past life. Even if this Image doesn't show the full siren lol #pink #OC #Siren #pastlife #sketch #Neon #girl #fridayswithsketch

Posted on Jan 5, 2019 by
@mochimochii ?

565 likes 18 comments

I had siren (a song) stuck in my head and ended up doing this. Then I thought it would be cool to have been a siren in a past life. Even if this Image doesn't show the full siren lol  #pink #OC #Siren #pastlife #sketch #Neon #girl #fridayswithsketch
2019-01-01 20:01 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-01-01 21:01 Somebody Amazing💜
2019-01-01 04:01 Somebody I really like this but, id just wirk on your anatomy more that's all!
2019-01-01 10:01 LawrenceWong Beautiful drawing and you look so cool in your past live😍👍
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody Nice
2019-01-01 08:01 _Sprucie_ Omg! Amazing! ( also was the song by Sunmi? )
2019-01-01 07:01 Somebody Sunmi???because if it was y e s
2019-01-01 17:01 Somebody Красиво)
2019-01-01 11:01 Somebody Nice
2019-01-01 07:01 Somebody Why is her face so elongated?
2019-01-01 17:01 Somebody Hola 👋
2019-01-01 08:01 Somebody ‪[u:0a20da41-d269-4446-b26a-6b45e8004abb]‬ exactly, sketch needs to stop featuring this shit
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody Pleas follow me 💙and i follow you♡♡
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody You can draw me
2019-01-01 16:01 Somebody У неё усы?
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody Люби маму,пока она смеётся...И теплой горят её глаза...И голос её в одну льется...Святой водой чистой как слеза...Люби маму ведь она одна на свете...Она всех простит и поймет...Если ты любишь свою маму,отправь это 20 людям...Одна девочка не отправила и её мамы не стало через 356 дней(Прости мне тоже отправили это сообщение...Это про МАМУ)Не могу не отправить!!
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody Простите за спам, но не могли бы вы зайти на мой аккаунт и оценить его? Хочу попасть в тренды и набрать 600 подписчиков. Заранее спасибо. Еще раз простите.       /.                   \.                /.                   \.                    🙏❤😻Sorry for the spam, but could you come to my account and rate it? I want to get into trends and dial 600 subscribers. Thank you in advance. Sorry one more time. 🙏❤😻
2019-02-02 12:02 Somebody great song and drawing, sunmi makes the best supernatural related themes