Skecth finished! in the past I would like to have been a famous pianist / skecth terminado! Un el pasado quisiera haber sido un famoso pianista. #mypast #pastlife #fridayswithsketch #pianist #classicalmusician #Artyme

Posted on Jan 7, 2019 by
@ArtyMe ✒?ArtyMe??

372 likes 5 comments

Skecth finished! in the past I would like to have been a famous pianist / skecth terminado! Un el pasado quisiera haber sido un famoso pianista. #mypast #pastlife #fridayswithsketch #pianist #classicalmusician #Artyme
2019-01-01 20:01 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-01-01 21:01 Eishi Awesome ! Congrats :D
2019-01-01 22:01 ArtyMe Thx ‪[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4]‬
2019-01-01 16:01 Somebody Do you play
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody Простите за спам, но не могли бы вы зайти на мой аккаунт и оценить его? Хочу попасть в тренды и набрать 600 подписчиков. Заранее спасибо. Еще раз простите.       /.                   \.                /.                   \.                    🙏❤😻Sorry for the spam, but could you come to my account and rate it? I want to get into trends and dial 600 subscribers. Thank you in advance. Sorry one more time. 🙏❤😻