I was looking through my sketches and at the very end I found some custom pokemon designs aaand I have to admit - I wasn't good at character designs back then (⇀‸↼‶) I'll put #recreatechallenge even though idk if it counts ( ̄ω ̄;)

Posted on Aug 10, 2018 by
@rrosewind #1610

1082 likes 47 comments

I was looking through my sketches and at the very end I found some custom pokemon designs aaand I have to admit - I wasn't good at character designs back then (⇀‸↼‶) I'll put #recreatechallenge even though idk if it counts ( ̄ω ̄;)
2018-08-08 18:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ oh, ciekawe :> wgl zaczelam redesignowac drugiego i się wkrecilam hyh
2018-08-08 18:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ ja też tak miałam hyhyh
2018-08-08 18:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ i tez oglądałam moster high, mam płytę dvd z filmem rip
2018-08-08 18:08 Somebody Cute style
2018-08-08 18:08 rrosewind ‪[u:9bf2a66d-aab2-471e-9dd3-28882022fe79]‬ oh thanks :3
2018-08-08 18:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ zawsze warto próbować ;)
2018-08-08 18:08 Somebody Your welcome ^^
2018-08-08 18:08 Somebody You are very talented
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Can I draw this like my style
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind ‪[u:9ca05252-0c47-4392-b78d-e87f91770e8d]‬ what do you mean?
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody I mean can I draw this piece of art in my style
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody I will mention you when I'm done when I get the permission ‪[u:6456acc7-797e-489f-9fc5-7ce164f569a9]‬
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind ‪[u:9ca05252-0c47-4392-b78d-e87f91770e8d]‬ oh, of course! As long as you will credit me ;)
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Ok
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Can you put it on explorer
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Oops
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Export
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind ‪[u:9ca05252-0c47-4392-b78d-e87f91770e8d]‬ yeah, tell me when u got it
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Done
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody Thx
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody You can put it of export now ‪[u:6456acc7-797e-489f-9fc5-7ce164f569a9]‬
2018-08-08 10:08 sonysketch Congratulations! 💐 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind what
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind how
2018-08-08 11:08 Miyana_Jennie Congratz!
2018-08-08 11:08 rrosewind ‪[u:00edf233-e11a-4916-8e2d-cee3a4cd7752]‬ oh thanks! \(^ω^\)
2018-08-08 11:08 Miyana_Jennie ‪[u:6456acc7-797e-489f-9fc5-7ce164f569a9]‬ y.w ^-^
2018-08-08 14:08 AyanoOfficial That's a big improvement! Very nice!!
2018-08-08 17:08 puffypastels woah 😍 your style is so cute
2018-08-08 17:08 rrosewind ‪[u:586045bd-e26a-4b9d-82e2-2f21b6daa509]‬ ‪[u:db0be67c-5409-40a3-827b-f2d09b707a4a]‬ oh tysm ♥♥
2018-08-08 01:08 Somebody Is beautiful!!
2018-08-08 19:08 rrosewind ‎[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202] :>
2018-08-08 19:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ możesz ich zablokować..
2018-08-08 19:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ eh.. W sumie ja też :/
2018-08-08 20:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ sama bylam hejtowana (na blogspocie) i zawsze odpowiadalam na nie udając mądrą i gasząc ich ambicje, chociaż większość banowala reszta administracji.. Wiec nwm jak mogę pomoc, chociaż bardzo bym chciala, bo patrzeć jak ktoś inny cierpi to dla mnie więcej bólu niż jakbym sama cierpiała... Może po prostu nie zwracaj na nich uwagi, w końcu jak zobaczą że nie reagujesz to sobie odpuszcza?
2018-08-08 20:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ sama już nie wiem...
2018-08-08 20:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ będąc naprawdę szczerym ich ściny są niedojrzałe.
2018-08-08 20:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ możesz tak myśleć, ale wzywając innych od 3-latków to mi zawiewa niskim poziomem inteligencji
2018-08-08 22:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ dobranoc.. ♥
2018-08-08 20:08 rrosewind ‪[u:dbd2476c-7bf6-4116-9983-dc417722b202]‬ uwuwuwuwuwuuw
2018-08-08 19:08 Somebody A IMPROVMENT ALERT!!!
2018-08-08 19:08 rrosewind ‪[u:c5653682-b1a5-4fb1-871b-6ded52a2b902]‬ o h -
2018-08-08 21:08 Somebody ‪[u:c5653682-b1a5-4fb1-871b-6ded52a2b902]‬ that's way better than my stick figure joe
2018-08-08 08:08 Somebody ‪[u:6456acc7-797e-489f-9fc5-7ce164f569a9]‬ May I have export? I'd like to draw this character, looks interesting!
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind ‪[u:7856a62c-5db0-4f33-b476-bcb79c540a67]‬ here you go! Tell me when you got it ;)
2018-08-08 10:08 Somebody ‪[u:6456acc7-797e-489f-9fc5-7ce164f569a9]‬ Yes, I got it, and thank you!
2018-08-08 10:08 rrosewind ‪[u:7856a62c-5db0-4f33-b476-bcb79c540a67]‬ no problem :D