Crying does make your eyes very swollen... #swollen #inktober #Inktober2018 #ChildHood

Posted on Oct 17, 2018 by
@Bloon Moon of the Blue

239 likes 16 comments

Crying does make your eyes very swollen... #swollen #inktober #Inktober2018 #ChildHood
2018-10-10 01:10 Somebody True
2018-10-10 21:10 sonysketch Congratulations! 🌟 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-10-10 23:10 Somebody Great!
2018-10-10 00:10 Bloon ‪[u:5d130a60-8ed0-4a5d-805f-a626674509f4]‬ Thank you!
2018-10-10 04:10 _Aura_Sphere_ Cute!
2018-10-10 14:10 Somebody Вэлл
2018-10-10 15:10 Somebody Wut dose dat meen
2018-10-10 17:10 Somebody Please follow me
2018-10-10 20:10 Somebody Is that Baldi?
2018-10-10 01:10 Bloon ‪[u:87f58ae5-972e-46f4-af02-9c5286514597]‬ No, it's just a character I made up
2018-10-10 01:10 Bloon ‪[u:0e2cd90a-5a4a-410a-ab0d-285ff7ebca0d]‬ Thank you!
2018-10-10 18:10 Somebody I love it
2018-11-11 09:11 Somebody 👎👎👎👎👎👎
2018-11-11 12:11 Somebody Aff isso me fez lembrar q eu tenho q terminar uma série
2018-12-12 13:12 Somebody А що вони роблять
2019-01-01 15:01 Somebody Сама знаеш с**с