Man, I hate the cold. Also working on the request for Audrey~

Posted on Dec 16, 2016 by
@Kali_lii Enios [Kali_lii]

1251 likes 37 comments

Man, I hate the cold. Also working on the request for Audrey~
2016-12-12 23:12 Somebody I think all artist dislike the cold
2016-12-12 00:12 Somebody Or everyone 😨
2016-12-12 00:12 Somebody Where have you been?! I missed you!
2016-12-12 03:12 Kali_lii ‪[u:4e8765c1-52ed-4bcd-993a-8989aabe5c73]‬ Ahh sorry! I've been having art block and stuff (;w;)
2016-12-12 07:12 Somebody I have never saw snow before. Im in a hot country. How is the snow? ‪[u:42750579-4d95-4e9f-869f-6fc0ed279c20]‬
2016-12-12 13:12 Kali_lii ‪[u:d10715d4-3428-4a13-a871-d364f324227c]‬ You've never seen snow?? Omg, I hate the cold but it's so fun to play in the snow! Snowballs, little snowmen, etc. Plus, I like to slide across the icey floors :D
2016-12-12 13:12 Somebody 😃😂😂😂😂 sounds fun and yea i never ever seen snow i live in AUSTRalia ok but when im older im going for a holiday to see snow ‪[u:42750579-4d95-4e9f-869f-6fc0ed279c20]‬
2016-12-12 13:12 Somebody Tell me ‪[u:42750579-4d95-4e9f-869f-6fc0ed279c20]‬ wat the snows texture!? Wat does it feel like!? ‪[u:42750579-4d95-4e9f-869f-6fc0ed279c20]‬
2016-12-12 17:12 Somebody Art block sucks, I know how you feel.
2016-12-12 18:12 amandalm I would love to do a collab with you! 😻
2016-12-12 18:12 Somebody This is so amazing omg skxisblxocjdjd senpai, why are you so good. 💕💕
2016-12-12 21:12 Somebody I'm so excited :))
2016-12-12 22:12 Somebody Draw me please 😊?
2016-12-12 02:12 Somebody QwQ I swear seeing these cute drawings is enough to make me happy = v = ty for blessing my eyes
2016-12-12 02:12 Kali_lii ‪[u:00973187-17d7-45d0-b985-24d709922279]‬ Hehe thanks (^u^) Your comments always bring a smile to my face so THANK YOUU!
2016-12-12 15:12 Somebody I love the cold no matter what
2017-01-01 23:01 Somebody I like this one a lot ^-^
2017-01-01 23:01 Kali_lii ‪[u:6a79bacc-c87d-42f8-9398-f93a0827691d]‬ I do too! I really like monochrome sketches soo yeah xD
2017-02-02 16:02 sonysketch This sketch has been added to Featured. Great job! /#sonysketch
2017-02-02 16:02 simpleseda Good 🙌🙌
2017-02-02 20:02 Somebody 🙀🙅:-(
2017-02-02 23:02 Somebody Very nice 👍
2017-02-02 01:02 Aubrey_Zombienette Awsome sketch!
2017-02-02 03:02 Somebody Uau
2017-02-02 06:02 Somebody AMEI
2017-02-02 15:02 Somebody 😥😆
2017-02-02 17:02 Somebody Amazing
2017-02-02 17:02 Somebody I love the cold .-.
2017-02-02 17:02 Kali_lii ‪[u:b7e975eb-f94a-4899-9dc4-05ed1335e915]‬ Well, people are different xD
2017-02-02 17:02 Somebody Yup
2017-02-02 15:02 Somebody Мая ‪[u:908cb4fb-fc2e-4322-8903-f51634e21868]‬ посмотри как я рисую
2017-02-02 23:02 Somebody Güzel yapmışsın
2017-02-02 00:02 Somebody This is a sexy drawing
2017-02-02 14:02 Somebody AMAZING WORK!!!!!!!!
2017-02-02 06:02 Somebody Присоединяйтесь! Примите участие в создании этого потрясающего наброска:
2017-02-02 20:02 Somebody Awesome
2017-04-04 15:04 Somebody XD I love the cold