Sorry this took so long! As I was drawing this, it reminded me of a orange popsicle 🍦 #orangechallenge

Posted on Jun 1, 2017 by
@piratenerdz PirateNerd Z

1325 likes 40 comments

Sorry this took so long! As I was drawing this, it reminded me of a orange popsicle 🍦 #orangechallenge
2017-06-06 21:06 Somebody Woooooooow amaizng my best Sketch frind fantastick artyst ‪[u:ebc14236-bd20-436f-acf5-6be5569dac8d]‬ hawe fantastick Sketchs too maybe you wach it
2017-07-07 21:07 Ss™ I did miss seeing ur work in the color challenge, all of them are good
2017-07-07 21:07 Ss™ U r good, u shud post more often, dat wud make ur art more visible to others
2017-07-07 03:07 piratenerdz ‪[u:ebc14236-bd20-436f-acf5-6be5569dac8d]‬ thank you! ‪[u:bfafb962-c0dd-456c-8f05-8a5505d7d6cf]‬ and you to! I plan on posting more, and I do hope to I guess get more attention? I dunno I'm not worried about followers, I just want to be recognized. I also plan on posting the blue one soon
2017-07-07 10:07 Ss™ Yay, same here ‪[u:bf002ed7-5377-4ec5-8f85-abdeb36926d4]‬😊 it's not about the number of followers for me, when I post I do wish atleast a few people to like it or appreciate it,review it or b a critic, feels good, and always nice to see people sharing same ideas..
2017-07-07 10:07 Ss™ One thing dat wud help is being consistent with drawing and posting stuff here regularly, and some interaction with others to get a positive feedback, I know time doesn't permit to draw all time, but still can try
2017-07-07 10:07 Ss™ Lemme do a shout out for u ‪[u:bf002ed7-5377-4ec5-8f85-abdeb36926d4]‬ my friends wud definitely like ur work 😊
2017-07-07 16:07 piratenerdz That's great advice. I'm trying to find something to stay consistent with. Cause an anime style Is fun, but takes a lot of time. But that more cartoony style is fun AND quick to draw. I dunno, I think I'll still with the cartoon one, up to this point I was just posting anything
2017-08-08 18:08 sonysketch Congratulations! This sketch has been added to Featured. /#SonySketch
2017-09-09 07:09 gauri_mathur Great!
2017-09-09 10:09 Somebody Can you follow me pls
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody Very good
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody Amazing😍😍
2017-09-09 17:09 piratenerdz ‪[u:f323995e-bde1-4a93-a8f3-f981d466ae7c]‬ ‪[u:0195a353-f9f8-4d21-9e09-55476636234d]‬ ‪[u:fa492a1a-8ef8-411a-a03c-025b20d4e6a5]‬ thanks guys!
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody ‪[u:bf002ed7-5377-4ec5-8f85-abdeb36926d4]‬ np😊😊
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody .
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody ☑✳‼↪↪Please check out my profile! ↩↩‼✳☑
2017-09-09 06:09 Somebody Mmmm popsicles
2017-09-09 09:09 Somebody DONT READ THIS.YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST FRIDAY BY THE LOVE YOUR LIFE NOW YOUVE STARTED READING THIS dONT STOP THIS SO FREAKY 1. say your name ten times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes name 3 times 4. send this to 15 ppl but if you read this and ignore it you will have bad luck SEND this to 15 ppl in 143 Minutes WHEN your Done PRESS the space bar and your crushes name will appear in big letters on the a screen This is so Creepy cos it works !!
2017-09-09 18:09 Somebody Please come and go give some likes
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody
2017-09-09 18:09 Somebody Very nice! Great choice of colours :)
2017-09-09 19:09 Somebody Nice!! Very cute!!
2017-09-09 02:09 Somebody Awsome looks a bit like the sac anime mascot
2017-09-09 12:09 Somebody G Мне жаль, что я должен был отправить это вам, но теперь, когда вы его открыли, вы не можете перестать читать это. Привет, меня зовут Тереза ​​Фидальго. Я умерла 27 лет. Если вы не отправите это 20 людям, я буду спать на вашей стороне навсегда. Если ты не поверишь, ищи меня. Тереза ​​Фидальго. Так пошлите это 20 людям. Девочка проигнорировала это, и ее мама умерла через 20 дней. NO SEND BACKS !!!!! # скопировал извините, чтобы отправить это. Кстати, это не подделка искать ее на Google извините, так надо
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody Oh! I love it
2017-09-09 01:09 piratenerdz ‪[u:7ac8d845-36aa-494f-a2a5-cd04ecf814be]‬ thank you!
2017-09-09 06:09 Somebody 😍!!!!!
2017-09-09 23:09 Somebody Nossaaaaa!!!! Muito lindooo parabéns
2017-09-09 04:09 Somebody
2017-09-09 09:09 Somebody LIKE💟💟💟💟💟
2017-09-09 19:09 Somebody Export
2017-09-09 16:09 Somebody Export,Please
2017-09-09 16:09 piratenerdz ‪[u:1f8b82dd-cb52-45ae-853e-8140c1dc5e87]‬ okay
2017-09-09 16:09 Somebody ‪[u:bf002ed7-5377-4ec5-8f85-abdeb36926d4]‬ Thenk You Very Match
2017-09-09 11:09 Somebody Loves it
2017-09-09 14:09 Somebody Sem grasa
2017-09-09 22:09 Somebody So good :D
2017-10-10 18:10 Somebody See it once
2017-11-11 21:11 Somebody .(( Жила-была девушка с парнем. Парня убила, сама повесилась. Разошли это к пяти комментариям, иначе через 10 минут у тебя будет чувство, как будто за тобой кто-то наблюдает. Ты обернёшься и увидишь её с ножом. Она будет преследовать тебя пять лет, а потом убьёт. Я успел, поэтому спокоен.