,, Chicken sass, back at it again :'D '' #Inktober2018 #inktober #chicken edit: thank you for featuring me! :0

Posted on Oct 5, 2018 by
@_Beastii_ ??

735 likes 21 comments

,, Chicken sass, back at it again :'D '' #Inktober2018 #inktober #chicken edit: thank you for featuring me! :0
2018-10-10 22:10 Somebody I'm trying not dye laughing at dis!!!
2018-10-10 22:10 _Beastii_ ‪[u:b6a586d8-be86-4076-804d-31b3396eccda]‬ heh :'')
2018-10-10 22:10 Somebody I luv it
2018-10-10 22:10 _Beastii_ ‪[u:b6a586d8-be86-4076-804d-31b3396eccda]‬ thanks uwu
2018-10-10 22:10 Somebody Np... it's really really awesome!!
2018-10-10 12:10 Somebody :OO 👌👌👌👌
2018-10-10 12:10 sonysketch Congratulations! 🐔 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-10-10 15:10 Somebody WHY IS CHICKEN FEATURED NOW XD
2018-10-10 15:10 Somebody AH SO FABULOUS
2018-10-10 16:10 Somebody 169 hmmmm xdd😏😏
2018-10-10 16:10 Somebody Awesome drawing! Check out mine https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/c6a34a9c-facf-44df-9aaf-8d47fd03ccf0
2018-10-10 23:10 Somebody Congrats on getting featured
2018-10-10 05:10 Somebody Cool!!!
2018-10-10 09:10 Somebody Fabulous stuff u got there 😀
2018-10-10 02:10 Somebody quack
2018-10-10 19:10 _Beastii_ ‪[u:23494b24-350d-4673-badd-fb2dd531ab01]‬ bruh das a chicken XD
2018-10-10 19:10 Somebody xD
2018-10-10 14:10 Somebody O Kay......?🤣
2018-10-10 23:10 Somebody Botiful
2018-10-10 23:10 Somebody How do you make a character for me to boot into the channel?
2019-02-02 14:02 Somebody Привет! 🌚✨ у меня есть мечта 666 подписчиков.. Да, конечно это много, но я просто мечтаю о таком количестве 💕 можешь мне помочь? 💦 просто подпишись на меня и пролайкай 😊 мне будет очень приятно, а тебе легко 💫 Hello! 🌚✨ I have a dream 666 subscribers .. Yes, of course it is a lot, but I just dream of so many 💕 can you help me? 💦 just subscribe to me and get rid of it 😊 I will be very pleased, and you will easily 💫