HAPPY BIRYHDAY OTTO!! #Otto ‪@sonysketch‬ #ottosbirthday #fridayswithsketch

Posted on Jul 14, 2017 by
@Anxiety_Artist ✨?•Shay•?✨

488 likes 55 comments

HAPPY BIRYHDAY OTTO!! #Otto ‪@sonysketch‬ #ottosbirthday #fridayswithsketch
2017-07-07 13:07 sonysketch Congratulations! This sketch has been added to Featured. /#SonySketch
2017-07-07 14:07 Somebody Very nice 👍
2017-07-07 14:07 dubashizt Lel..
2017-07-07 17:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ omg! Thank you so much!! My first feature!!
2017-07-07 17:07 Toothpic-jedi Congrats.. Nice
2017-07-07 18:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ Omg thanks!
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody Oh lucky :'(
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody Congrats to ! !
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody Should I do one?
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody But I don't think nobody would like it so I wont make one but I'll give a chance idk
2017-07-07 18:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:eee0f2d8-17ef-4f57-9fc0-694b5e15a6dc]‬ I'll like it, u can make one! You still have all day! I believe in you xD :3
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody XD k
2017-07-07 18:07 Anxiety_Artist XD ‪[u:eee0f2d8-17ef-4f57-9fc0-694b5e15a6dc]‬
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody I'm done it isn't good tho
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody ITS BROWNIE HEARTS
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody Im staying in my acc now
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody Helllo????
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody Also nobody likes it so yay
2017-07-07 19:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:379c2cf0-9e99-422d-8391-fff8b462a2d6]‬ awe :(
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody :'''O ye everybody hate it
2017-07-07 19:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:379c2cf0-9e99-422d-8391-fff8b462a2d6]‬ awe, I dont
2017-07-07 02:07 Somebody ‪[u:ac4b0fa3-01f6-44a4-b0b7-fdfa782e4d41]‬ otto is 1?
2017-07-07 06:07 Somebody HES 1!
2017-07-07 06:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:d6b46e26-22bc-40e1-b9f4-c822224f29c3]‬ yep!
2017-07-07 07:07 Somebody ........
2017-07-07 07:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:35c8bc1a-c51c-4f31-a17a-01ce6f480395]‬ uhhh? What do u want
2017-07-07 12:07 Somebody Pretty
2017-07-07 13:07 Somebody Lel...
2017-07-07 20:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:00f75b42-c302-46c8-8564-20ac0cb2adf3]‬ thank you so much!
2017-07-07 22:07 Somebody Bruh
2017-07-07 04:07 Somebody Otto looks traced guys ‪[u:8ef05476-c1e9-42cc-ba99-121e03ef010e]‬ ‪[u:35c8bc1a-c51c-4f31-a17a-01ce6f480395]‬ ‪[u:00f75b42-c302-46c8-8564-20ac0cb2adf3]‬ ‪[u:d6b46e26-22bc-40e1-b9f4-c822224f29c3]‬ ‪[u:379c2cf0-9e99-422d-8391-fff8b462a2d6]‬ ‪[u:eee0f2d8-17ef-4f57-9fc0-694b5e15a6dc]‬ ‪[u:0195a353-f9f8-4d21-9e09-55476636234d]‬ ‪[u:e77aa6e1-56df-4447-a7e1-c54ecc0c0aea]‬ ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ Like the Otto with balloon sticker
2017-07-07 05:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:2077ab70-6f07-4458-9faf-a8a9d49ca5cd]‬ I used reference. I didn't trace it. So no, its not stolen, nor is it ok for u to get on my page and snoop around. Cuz I hope u know I can do the same to u. So with all do respect, pls leave
2017-07-07 06:07 Toothpic-jedi Cant we all just stop picking .. Just look at sketches enjoy art . create something beautiful or create something scary.. If you always post negative towards each other this place will not be fun anymore. Art is subjective and open to interpretation.. If someone get noticed and it makes them happy dont try and tear them down.. I want everyone to just stop all the negative. I really like it here.. I like the creativity the seeing art through other peoples eyes.Lets all just stay possitive and if its a negative comment than just keep it to yourself..words hurt..lets not hurt each other in here.
2017-07-07 06:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ Wow, I couldn't of said it better, I completely agree with ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ , I think everyone should personally just keep things to themselves if its negative, I enjoy this app as well, its turning into a negative app, that's why I left for a while, so ppl wouldn't judge me by what I make cuz apparently it happens, but now it all makes sense, I would like to thank u ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ , you made it very clear, :)
2017-07-07 06:07 Toothpic-jedi Now everyone smile. And go sketch something and i cant wait to see everyones art 👍
2017-07-07 07:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ I couldn't agree more :)
2017-07-07 10:07 Somebody Boldog születésnapot otto
2017-07-07 13:07 ?Clarethine? Like my arts please?
2017-07-07 13:07 Somebody Hi guys give me some tips
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody Happy
2017-07-07 02:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:864714c3-7262-4239-ab27-e4fe63bb91df]‬ yes, just try ur best and believe in ur selfe
2017-07-07 18:07 Somebody Hi! this is amazing!. I put it and I will believe that your drawing will fall into the recommended soon!. Can you please check out my work? thank you very much! and i hope you like it! https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/86899b56-501f-43ae-ac89-19c5a8f67153
2017-07-07 18:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:2696092f-5fac-47e6-bc62-9492351beeba]‬ ok! I'll be sure yo check them out! Thanks so much ur amazing thank u!
2017-07-07 09:07 Somebody Lel :v
2017-07-07 09:07 Somebody Lel :v
2017-07-07 17:07 Somebody تجنن
2017-07-07 17:07 Somebody Like ‪[u:bf25b5cb-0b5d-49ca-897f-94052054ca94]‬ arts
2017-07-07 16:07 Swirlz_Da_Boss Oh shut up ‪[u:2077ab70-6f07-4458-9faf-a8a9d49ca5cd]‬ , its featured, so your just jealous, so shut up and keep your opinions to yourself
2017-07-07 17:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:2701b4c2-6364-4e23-b3ed-97c02d0280bd]‬ hi!! Thanks so much!! You're amazing, if I where able to make a drawing of urs featured I totally would!
2017-07-07 07:07 Somebody 🙁 ‪[u:ac4b0fa3-01f6-44a4-b0b7-fdfa782e4d41]‬
2017-07-07 07:07 Somebody 😒 ‪[u:2701b4c2-6364-4e23-b3ed-97c02d0280bd]‬
2017-07-07 09:07 Swirlz_Da_Boss Aww thanks! And really, don't let anyone tell you that your art is bad, because its totally amazing, keep up the good work!!
2017-07-07 21:07 Anxiety_Artist ‪[u:2701b4c2-6364-4e23-b3ed-97c02d0280bd]‬ you're awesome, I cannot thank u enough!! If there's anything u need at all tell me I would be happy to help! :) also pls follow my really good friend ‪[u:a83ddc06-d821-4de2-8aa0-d0a32ebe7b9c]‬ ! He's super nice and he really starts a conversation!
2017-07-07 10:07 Somebody Plz follow me
2017-07-07 19:07 Somebody مرحبا