What I love about our planet? The fact that so many people in the whole world fight for an unique ideal. I'm really proud of this. #fridaysforfuture #fridayswithsketch #100PercentSketch ‪@sonysketch‬ #earthchan #smarties #fff

Posted on Mar 16, 2019 by
@Smarties_Marta ? Smarties ?

722 likes 23 comments

What I love about our planet? The fact that so many people in the whole world fight for an unique ideal. I'm really proud of this. #fridaysforfuture #fridayswithsketch #100PercentSketch ‪@sonysketch‬ #earthchan #smarties #fff
2019-03-03 20:03 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-03-03 20:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ OMG thank you SO much!!! 😃💖
2019-03-03 07:03 Somebody Ur sketch is so beautiful...
2019-03-03 14:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:93ec0591-b348-411e-ba79-0272c1ef968b]‬ Don't make me blush!!! Thank you for the kind comment 😊😃
2019-03-03 14:03 Somebody 😊
2019-03-03 17:03 Somebody Hey. My name is Polina. I make one clip and I want to use your art there. Will you let me?
2019-03-03 15:03 Somebody Hey Congrats on being featured... 💖💞
2019-03-03 20:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:aa53c8da-3839-4a91-acae-0872519edc0d]‬ Sorry, but I prefer not... I just want my art only on my own account... 😅
2019-03-03 20:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:2c9bb6d5-131f-4d1c-93c4-c28cf252726e]‬ Thank you! 😄💖
2019-03-03 10:03 Somebody ‪[u:58d8ddb7-27f2-4a3c-ad9a-32d67ad7217c]‬ Ur always welcome.. 😊
2019-03-03 11:03 Somebody Hello! This drawing is so beautiful. You can see I have just little bit followers, and I want more. So can you do for follow and I’ll do for you follow too? Thanks
2019-03-03 15:03 Somebody Omg. You deserve that feature! Your art is like, better than leo devinchi
2019-03-03 23:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:0815ef68-1b30-4b22-a14e-cd3d6e6aa7d6]‬ (Sorry for being late!) Ergh, actually spamming is against Sketch's rules... It's reportable! ·__·
2019-03-03 23:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:dc0fc912-8996-4f8f-9177-aed8f40661c1]‬ (Sorry for being late!) Thank you sooo much! Actually "Leonardo Da Vinci" - yes, it's written like this 😂 - was Renaissance's biggest genious so... I think I can't be like him, but thanks! 😄😉
2019-03-03 23:03 Somebody Hi sketch patrol here (‪@Sketch_Patrole‬) hope you are having a good day!if not we are always here if you ever want to talk. That is why we have this account here on sketch, to help people, we report people/talk to people during tough times/and help people here on sketch with a lot of things. It has come to mind that we need to gain followers to be taken seriously. If we can make sketch a better place we need YOUR help (btw we ❤ your art) we know these kind of comments are anoying, but we need your help. Please. We would also apricot it if you spread the word about us. Congrats for the feature
2019-03-03 11:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:1e05d181-11df-4177-8017-24553c71eb23]‬ Actually, spamming messages like this or asking for followers in comments is against Sketch's rules... please don't do it ever again, because it is reportable and that means that you risk the closing of your account, ok? 😊👍
2019-03-03 11:03 Somebody ‪[u:58d8ddb7-27f2-4a3c-ad9a-32d67ad7217c]‬ haha
2019-03-03 16:03 Somebody Вау
2019-03-03 16:03 Smarties_Marta ‎[u:a9bc950c-24ea-4581-a15f-1515e49bb2ac] ???
2019-03-03 12:03 Somebody Hi can i draw it???
2019-03-03 12:03 Smarties_Marta ‪[u:6061254b-7900-4d73-bd6b-9522d34850ed]‬ Yes! Earth-Chan doesn't belong to me... she belongs to the whole community! :D ;3
2019-03-03 13:03 Somebody Thank you so much :333
2019-08-08 10:08 Somebody @Вчера умерла девочка, её сбила машина. Теперь она может появиться ночью, у тебя в твоём доме, у тебя на твоей кровати, с ножом! Тебе надо отправить это сообщение 10 людям и все будет хорошо, и после этого дня тебе кто-то признается в любви <<<Прости мне тоже это отправили. Отправь 20 людям и через 15 минут тебе позвонит любимый (ая), а если не отправишь, то умрёт твоя мама. Один мальчик не поверил и через 99 дней умерла мама. Прости что отправил (а) я ради мамы. ~честно я в это не верю но на всякий случай отправлю а то вдруг это сатана писал~😭😭😭😿🙀