(UMM FEATURED!?!!??!! OMG!!!! THANKS FOR 260+ LIKES) Okay...as some of you know...I live and breath orange๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ It's my hair color, my favorite color, and I love it so much!!! Doing this drawing was so much fun!๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ’— #colorweek#orangechallenge

Posted on Jul 2, 2018 by
@Maddie ????ยฐMรฅddรฎรซ_thรซ_wรซรญrd_pรธรฑy_drรฃลตรฎรฑg_pรชr$รธn?ยฐ????

259 likes 27 comments

(UMM FEATURED!?!!??!! OMG!!!! THANKS FOR 260+ LIKES) Okay...as some of you know...I live and breath orange๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ  It's my hair color, my favorite color, and I love it so much!!!  Doing this drawing was so much fun!๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ’— #colorweek#orangechallenge
2018-07-07 18:07 Maddie All colors used are ORANGE, five tools were used, no stickers, no inspiration from anything, this image just popped into my brain, 1000% sketch, only used a finger, no stylus required (I rarely use it anymore anyway), time taken: 54 minutes, level of proudness: 97% (I'm not sure why, but I just really love this!!).
2018-07-07 18:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]โ€ฌ โ€ช[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]โ€ฌ โ€ช[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]โ€ฌ #colorweek #colorweek #colorweek #orangechallenge #orangechallenge #orangechallenge
2018-07-07 18:07 Somebody Oof
2018-07-07 18:07 Somebody Yas
2018-07-07 18:07 Somebody I was about to do this challenge
2018-07-07 18:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:61920ede-763a-4bb3-9a42-f9860a7f38c5]โ€ฌ Oh cool!!
2018-07-07 18:07 Somebody Done lol
2018-07-07 19:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:61920ede-763a-4bb3-9a42-f9860a7f38c5]โ€ฌ I saw, it's amazing!!
2018-07-07 21:07 Somebody Its good its legit a perfect drawing of my state
2018-07-07 21:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:c8950b68-63e7-4eb1-9031-6fdebf2b2d3e]โ€ฌ Thanks!
2018-07-07 08:07 sonysketch Congratulations! ๐ŸŠ Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-07-07 15:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]โ€ฌ Omg this is incredible!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!
2018-07-07 17:07 valeriaa Congratulations Dear๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰
2018-07-07 17:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:4ba5704e-03cc-4499-a365-7b95e06e3267]โ€ฌ Thank you so much!!!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’—
2018-07-07 03:07 Somebody โ€ช[u:b92ffbc9-20c6-48d9-8eed-4d52be0d9864]โ€ฌ Your welcome. It's so cool you got featured! It's like, I wish!!!๐Ÿ˜ƒ
2018-07-07 03:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:eb63860c-0016-46b0-a79b-15051bbecc25]โ€ฌ Yeah, I'm still so shocked, it's just so amazing!!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
2018-07-07 22:07 Somebody Congrats on feature again! Lel
2018-07-07 01:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:344a6b09-976c-469e-b95a-2b8dcacb1717]โ€ฌ Thank you friend!!!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
2018-07-07 01:07 Somebody You're welcome!
2018-07-07 01:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:344a6b09-976c-469e-b95a-2b8dcacb1717]โ€ฌ ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—
2018-07-07 01:07 Somebody โค๏ธโค๏ธ
2018-07-07 05:07 Somebody Lol u are featueed
2018-07-07 06:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:61920ede-763a-4bb3-9a42-f9860a7f38c5]โ€ฌ I know, it's pretty crazy!! XD
2018-07-07 02:07 Somebody OMG!!! Congrats!!!! You really deserve it!
2018-07-07 02:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:7dc8c0a9-5710-4562-8047-c2cf4f00c1d9]โ€ฌ Thank you so much!!!!
2018-07-07 02:07 Somebody โ€ช[u:b92ffbc9-20c6-48d9-8eed-4d52be0d9864]โ€ฌ your welcome!! ^v^
2018-07-07 02:07 Maddie โ€ช[u:7dc8c0a9-5710-4562-8047-c2cf4f00c1d9]โ€ฌ ^w^