Hydra - (Well, Hydra lives not in the water...but who cares '\[^-^]/' ) // Made via Sketch app #MyMythology #fridayswithsketch

Posted on Sep 7, 2018 by
@nero NΞRO says Goodbye...(plz take a look on my profile)??

684 likes 43 comments

Hydra - (Well, Hydra lives not in the water...but who cares '\[^-^]/' )  //  Made via Sketch app  #MyMythology #fridayswithsketch
2018-09-09 00:09 Somebody Amazing
2018-09-09 00:09 nero ‪[u:9aa27f0d-1197-48af-b084-b7a6d6e7603f]‬ thank you
2018-09-09 17:09 GOTAGOTAa super Cool
2018-09-09 17:09 nero ‪[u:02c96de8-8484-4508-b555-397e160d0bc8]‬ thank you 😊
2018-09-09 19:09 sonysketch Congratulations! 🌊 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-09-09 20:09 stargazer Oof it's amazing and WHOO CONGRATS U GOT FEATURED
2018-09-09 21:09 CrazyPenny Congrats!!!😻😻😻
2018-09-09 00:09 Lunacy So cool omfg
2018-09-09 01:09 AnyaHunter Amazing!
2018-09-09 02:09 GOTAGOTAa congratulation!
2018-09-09 06:09 Somebody Bro your stuff is lit af
2018-09-09 10:09 Somebody Cool job bro !
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:823b2a9f-11b4-474d-b9ab-7793b1b95ca6]‬ oof😄 thank you
2018-09-09 12:09 nero ‪[u:ce3deff7-1284-4ca5-88cd-c3a1c4966f14]‬ ‪[u:188f8435-43c7-4dbf-ae41-0bbdd41d8269]‬ ‪[u:18eea2ed-e7a3-4b9e-abeb-582de8a86a0c]‬ ‪[u:02c96de8-8484-4508-b555-397e160d0bc8]‬ thanks☺
2018-09-09 12:09 nero ‪[u:467678f8-90b6-48d8-b27d-54d73f2cfc98]‬ thank you my friend💕🙌
2018-09-09 12:09 nero ‪[u:22ea3fa5-aaf3-4112-bb41-17dbca6053ab]‬ ‪[u:3495b1ca-2d3c-4851-9fcb-9ea8006899f8]‬ 😂 thx bros
2018-09-09 12:09 Somebody NICE!!!! But I think the lightning should be brighter. Like much much brighter
2018-09-09 13:09 nero ‪[u:f916791c-4fac-4e2f-8eb9-c9412dd1607a]‬ 😂 i know...sry
2018-09-09 14:09 Somebody ‪[u:cafe85bb-beb7-4810-bfda-f5ae2e3e4e20]‬ no need to be sorry, everyone makes mistakes.
2018-09-09 15:09 Somebody Cool... ∩༼˵☯‿☯˵༽つ¤=[]:::::>
2018-09-09 17:09 nero ‪[u:ae5c5df5-ac90-400f-8bb5-7c4a3b973599]‬ thx...🤺
2018-09-09 18:09 Somebody Aulala
2018-09-09 19:09 nero ‪[u:ce23e7c0-03a8-4c28-a085-c92b741afbd0]‬ alaluA
2018-09-09 21:09 Somebody Lmao I thought hydras were dragons, but they’re serpents, and tend to live in swamps from what I know, and thankfully you knew they don’t live in the oceans :0
2018-09-09 23:09 Somebody Can we at? Do you like eddsworld?
2018-09-09 06:09 Somebody Крутая гидра
2018-09-09 07:09 Somebody Amazing Dude
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:bb583964-43e9-4a3a-99b0-0940c0f5c43f]‬ 😂well, I thought the same thing (Hydra -> Hydro -> water ...)
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:53d5543a-a9c8-4ee6-9c46-d41c0b3e5526]‬ nahhh sry :/ I don't know Eddsworld...
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:a795af56-3f7e-4121-ba51-0dc185f343d8]‬ thanks dude
2018-09-09 16:09 Somebody ‪[u:b4490222-038a-4ed5-898f-b94f6af6a7dd]‬ Congratulations ...
2018-09-09 18:09 nero ‪[u:b4490222-038a-4ed5-898f-b94f6af6a7dd]‬ yo, thank you🙌
2018-09-09 03:09 hono congratulations to you!
2018-09-09 08:09 nero ‪[u:e9cc15d2-75da-480d-8a7b-eea12f263127]‬ thank you :)
2018-09-09 23:09 Somebody Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ
2018-09-09 13:09 nero ‪[u:ae5c5df5-ac90-400f-8bb5-7c4a3b973599]‬ ('ω')/'
2018-09-09 15:09 Somebody ThanksΨ(≧ω≦)Ψ
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:ae5c5df5-ac90-400f-8bb5-7c4a3b973599]‬ np ~('ω')~
2018-09-09 03:09 Somebody Awesome 😻
2018-09-09 08:09 nero ‪[u:8f45f88e-8258-4db3-b36e-03532ae1cb44]‬ thank you👌
2018-09-09 21:09 Somebody Wow
2018-09-09 11:09 nero ‪[u:6cf6c372-edb5-486a-bdec-2741e6ebd665]‬ thx
2018-10-10 18:10 Somebody Как