I ACTUALLY finished a #fridayswithsketch challenge! I took inspiration from my heritage to draw a Samurai and his faithful companion walking amongst a path of flourishing Hydrangeas (or あじさい). Enjoy!!#drawyourphoto #Hydrangeas #akitainu #samurai #japan

Posted on Jun 27, 2018 by
@Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ Yuko Iimura

698 likes 78 comments

I ACTUALLY finished a #fridayswithsketch challenge! I took inspiration from my heritage to draw a Samurai and his faithful companion walking amongst a path of flourishing Hydrangeas (or あじさい). Enjoy!!#drawyourphoto #Hydrangeas #akitainu #samurai #japan
2018-06-06 08:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ Whoops, It's a bit messy.. oh well 😄
2018-06-06 08:06 CHCH So cool
2018-06-06 08:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:246f71d4-3a09-480d-a61f-d6c64d1b0833]‬ thanks!
2018-06-06 08:06 Somebody DOGGO :0
2018-06-06 17:06 sonysketch Congratulations! 🍀 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-06-06 17:06 Cooffi Pretty! :)
2018-06-06 17:06 Somebody Nice ! UwU
2018-06-06 18:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ Oh shoot! Uh, wow.. ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ um, THANK YOU so much for the feature! I'm SUPER jet lagged right now, but this is a really pleasant thing to wake up to, and I'm glad that this happened. I hope that my piece of art makes people happy by seeing it. Again, my sincerest Thanks.♡♡
2018-06-06 18:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:38e6bfd4-dcc6-4c04-ac50-2118d8abafc2]‬ ‪[u:ab1d43f6-da08-4089-b0c7-9c119f44b447]‬ Thank you very much!!
2018-06-06 18:06 hyperror HOLY MOLY FIONA!!! CONGRATS!!!
2018-06-06 18:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:332764b3-fd76-4cad-ad57-9cdeda6be3ea]‬ I see what you did there... HOLY MOLY THOUGH THANK YOU I LOVE YOU
2018-06-06 19:06 Somebody Omg it's a shibe
2018-06-06 21:06 cloudient #doge
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody The boi looks like hanzo from overwatch
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody Nice drawing btw
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody ‪[u:f100e499-534b-4061-bbfa-673f43ac59f8]‬ it's an Abita! I have one at home :3 :p
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody Akita*
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody Hanzo and doggo mccree
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody ‪[u:954c8e68-febd-4d28-86b3-471b0e5d7704]‬ ikr
2018-06-06 22:06 Somebody Akita wow cute sweet !!!
2018-06-06 23:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:954c8e68-febd-4d28-86b3-471b0e5d7704]‬ ‪[u:f62e801b-80eb-4f3f-9ba5-2a80947c1fa1]‬ ‪[u:5ec2e2d4-545a-4a28-ad69-88287ba8916e]‬ Ahhh thank you so much guys! ‪[u:954c8e68-febd-4d28-86b3-471b0e5d7704]‬ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ I don't play overwatch, but my friend does, so maybe I can get him to show me (or you know, just google it I guess)!
2018-06-06 23:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ *throws Google search at you* there you go
2018-06-06 23:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:b0b4bbb1-adda-4aff-8907-2e4d280100eb]‬ ah yes, #doge, what a meme wow
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ OH SHOOT
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ okay *gets out a gun and begins to shoot down the chat*
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ AHH noooo
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ too late *chat falls down to the never ending abis*
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ oh that's too bad...oh well
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ Huh just looked it up and this Hanzo dude is kind of cool looking
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ you should see mccree, also mchanzo (Jesse mccree x hanzo shimada) is the best, you should hear there cute little banters and arguments
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ hmmm thanks, I will commence with further research on the subject, this looks interesting
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ mchanzo is best ship. Fuck gency mchanzo is king
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ oh um okay
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ *cray cray mode on* IFYOUDONTLIKDMCHANZOYOUAREDEADTOME
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody [u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b] don’t spoil all the ships! She doesn’t even know yet! XP
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:a2f47981-4dd8-4786-b0a9-5df60773cf74]‬ well she must know about mchanzo cause its he best--
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody [u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b] Agreed. It’s basically my OTP :)
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:13bc34f9-d75a-414d-be12-db8c330db63b]‬ ‪[u:a2f47981-4dd8-4786-b0a9-5df60773cf74]‬ AAAA I'm getting overwhelmed but okayy
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:a2f47981-4dd8-4786-b0a9-5df60773cf74]‬ and gency sucks
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ Thanks
2018-06-06 00:06 Somebody ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ okie
2018-06-06 00:06 FEROCIOUS_FELINE That lil shiba reminds me on Hanchi. A cute lil dog, and a movie was made based off his story,, its super cute <::33
2018-06-06 00:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:d292bd4e-8780-45bf-a015-30cdcd0bee9c]‬ OH MY GOSH HATCHIIII I've seen that movieeeee! it made me cryyyy, it was so gooood
2018-06-06 00:06 FEROCIOUS_FELINE ‪[u:6336c8dc-931d-49a6-a030-b66564580d86]‬ i know!! Ahh i teared up QwQ alot
2018-06-06 01:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:d292bd4e-8780-45bf-a015-30cdcd0bee9c]‬ Hng, yeah
2018-06-06 01:06 FEROCIOUS_FELINE Lol x"3
2018-06-06 01:06 Somebody This is cool it reminds me of a movie I saw I think it was called hachi or something like that.
2018-06-06 02:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:cf9e307d-746d-41e0-a997-fbd83bceade6]‬ thanks, and oh shoot ‪[u:d292bd4e-8780-45bf-a015-30cdcd0bee9c]‬ was just talking about that :)
2018-06-06 03:06 Somebody How do you get so many likes
2018-06-06 04:06 Somebody ‪[u:b0e10030-166d-4d75-95b5-610960c24002]‬ Come on lemme have some fun ;-;
2018-06-06 06:06 Somebody The doggggg I need it
2018-06-06 10:06 Somebody     ||FOLLOW|     ‖ME.        |     ‖      |     ‖ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ∧_∧  (`・ω・‖  丶 つ0   しーJ
2018-06-06 10:06 Somebody ‪[u:1fce4252-6da8-48d2-8f95-c26abb8f0b83]‬ Your Everywhere.
2018-06-06 10:06 Somebody ‪[u:e4b7ec4b-42d8-450f-8158-93dfff87e5cd]‬ 😂
2018-06-06 11:06 Somebody A Inu Shiba, aha. What's your opinion on Huskys? •~•
2018-06-06 12:06 Somebody Hehehe ‪[u:f100e499-534b-4061-bbfa-673f43ac59f8]‬
2018-06-06 15:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:d04f5b3f-9769-4135-bbaf-4c4c63128858]‬ hmm I really like Huskys as well, although it's hot where I live, so it's not the best environment for one...sigh. I dunno, I guess I just like dogs in general :)? I really like Saint Bernards and Newfoundlands, even though probably, they are both to big to realistically adopt... oh well, I have a small dog at home, so it's all good ♡♡
2018-06-06 15:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ oh oops I got a bit off on a tangent from tge initial question, but yes. Huskys are niceeee
2018-06-06 15:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:dbee2c7c-a001-44f3-8186-0cc0b2eeb0ce]‬ honey, you and me both
2018-06-06 15:06 Somebody Wow
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody That doge tho
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody <3
2018-06-06 16:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:88b86cce-be5f-4e48-8819-ce8262d63feb]‬ Thanks!(I think?)
2018-06-06 16:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:edd785d1-96f2-4c20-866c-0a98789040f4]‬ ahh yes, the best part
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody Look at its little face
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody :3
2018-06-06 16:06 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:dbee2c7c-a001-44f3-8186-0cc0b2eeb0ce]‬ me everytime I walk by a dog on the street
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody I try to steal it
2018-06-06 16:06 Somebody Please follow me
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody Jjjj
2018-06-06 21:06 Somebody Jjjj
2018-07-07 22:07 Somebody 👍🎨
2018-07-07 17:07 Somebody hahahahahaha
2018-07-07 20:07 Somebody It's more like" hachico"🐕🐕
2018-07-07 16:07 Somebody O my Goood, I love Samurais ;-;
2018-07-07 13:07 Somebody Its very interesting!
2018-07-07 16:07 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:3b447460-b8e4-4b8a-acf5-14fd20608204]‬ haha same, I've always had this fascination with them since I was young 😁
2018-07-07 16:07 Hangry_Hapa_Kid_ ‪[u:05a273ae-ccbe-48bc-aefa-eec7d0f16048]‬ thank you very much!!