One of the very first drawings i did on sketch in january and now #redraw #RecreateChallenge #dreamcatcher #NativeAmerican #fridayswithsketch #MyMythology

Posted on Aug 13, 2018 by
@EtherealMindWarp asyla

577 likes 18 comments

One of the very first drawings i did on sketch in january and now #redraw #RecreateChallenge #dreamcatcher #NativeAmerican #fridayswithsketch #MyMythology
2018-08-08 05:08 UmbilicalNoose Wow 😊 shows so much improvement! Lovely, the color mood perfect ✨
2018-08-08 19:08 DarthVadis 😍😍😍
2018-08-08 20:08 Somebody Very noticeable skill upgrade! 😊👍 I like shadows and glitter effect on feathers. And could you tell me, what is it?
2018-08-08 21:08 EtherealMindWarp ‪[u:fb0e0c7f-cf1e-4041-9a85-c0bce2f4c9ab]‬ ‪[u:3685784d-f831-4f26-a37e-b91d192d1923]‬ ‪[u:93ddd8f7-8136-41d2-9561-a7c759e787d7]‬ Thank you all so much! 😊 i dont think i even had a stylus back when i drew the original haha and i really still hadnt gotten used to digital drawing yet
2018-08-08 21:08 EtherealMindWarp ‪[u:93ddd8f7-8136-41d2-9561-a7c759e787d7]‬ Its a dream catcher, nowadays a general native american symbol but originated with the ojibwe tribes. The story goes that grandmother spider cared for all her human children and would weave webs above the cradles of the newborns to protect protect them. 
2018-08-08 21:08 EtherealMindWarp ‪[u:93ddd8f7-8136-41d2-9561-a7c759e787d7]‬ But as our numbers increased and we spread across the land it became impossible for her to travel to all the new babies so she taught the mothers and sisters to weave dream catchers for them. Any evil spirit or bad dream gets caught in the web and evaporate like dew in the morning sun. Good spirits and dreams pass through the center and travel down the feathers to the child
2018-08-08 21:08 Kinga_Kenobi Can you take part in my contest #jedikingacontest? Pls and sorry for spam
2018-08-08 10:08 sonysketch Congratulations! 🎉 Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-08-08 18:08 EtherealMindWarp Seriously?! Yay thank you for the feature! 😄 ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬
2018-08-08 18:08 EtherealMindWarp Sorry ‪[u:9182abb8-29cc-4f32-8ecf-351e421ca740]‬ i dont really have time but good luck in your contest
2018-08-08 04:08 Somebody ‪[u:81295caa-189f-4410-98ee-7cadbd9061bd]‬ Wow, it's amazing story! Thanks for sharing 😊
2018-08-08 04:08 Somebody ‪[u:81295caa-189f-4410-98ee-7cadbd9061bd]‬ And congratulations with featuring!😃💥
2018-08-08 11:08 Somebody Youssef,awada ✏📐✂📓
2018-08-08 14:08 Somebody can you please follow or like me
2018-08-08 22:08 Somebody A dream catcher. Noice
2018-08-08 15:08 Somebody G Мне жаль,что я должен был отправить это вам,но теперь,когда вы его открыли, вы не можете перестать читать это.Привет меня зовут Тереза Фидальго.Я умерла 27 лет.Если вы не отправите это 20 людям,я буду спать на вашей стороне навсегда.Если ты не поверишь,ищи меня.Тереза Фидальго.Так пошлите это 20 людям.Девочка проигнорировала это,и её мама умерла через 20 дней.NO SEND BACKS!!!!!#скопировал извините,чтобы отправить это.Кстати, это не подделка искать её на Google извините,так надо (простите)
2018-08-08 20:08 Somebody Nice
2018-08-08 01:08 Somebody I like the first one better. Sry.