Happy Valentine's day πŸ’•#minichallenge #24hourchallenge #Valentinesday

Posted on Feb 14, 2018 by
@BiancaBlueberry Bianca R.

633 likes 14 comments

Happy Valentine's day πŸ’•#minichallenge #24hourchallenge #Valentinesday
2018-02-02 09:02 Somebody CoolπŸ‘Œ
2018-02-02 09:02 Somebody Happy V-valentines ^//^" https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/2c62c1a6-bcde-47ac-befe-7e29265a8e96
2018-02-02 11:02 Any_Vires Beautiful portrait
2018-02-02 08:02 sonysketch Congratulations! πŸ•’ Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-02-02 15:02 Somebody Wonderful
2018-02-02 14:02 Somebody Hey! Can you like my drawing ? https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/b81860e8-b5b3-47cf-a7c9-8a7eaa17e189 thanks for reading, and nice drawing πŸ’œ
2018-02-02 11:02 Somebody Tu as mis combien de temps a le faire
2018-02-02 20:02 Somebody β€πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ“πŸ’πŸ‘πŸ‰
2018-04-04 07:04 Somebody RomanticoπŸžβ˜•πŸ₯
2018-08-08 14:08 Somebody Wow
2018-08-08 11:08 Somebody Amazing!
2018-08-08 12:08 BiancaBlueberry β€ͺ[u:72559526-3a5b-49ab-b766-f66e81d71b98]‬ thx πŸ’•β˜ΊοΈ
2018-08-08 20:08 Somebody Np;) Also could you add export? I am not an art stealer, I just want a new bg for my phone and I know that you make the best stuff<3
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody Beautiful!😊❀