I've been playing this game again and I forgot just how much I love it. So here's some fanart! :D #darkchallenge #fridayswithsketch #Oriandtheblindforest #Ori #100PercentSketch #fanart

Posted on Nov 23, 2018 by
@South Shenzoko

497 likes 21 comments

I've been playing this game again and I forgot just how much I love it. So here's some fanart! :D #darkchallenge #fridayswithsketch #Oriandtheblindforest #Ori #100PercentSketch #fanart
2018-11-11 09:11 sonysketch Congratulations! ✨ Your sketch has just been featured.
2018-11-11 13:11 Elen_Frazer I know it!!!
2018-11-11 13:11 Elen_Frazer It's really fantastic...
2018-11-11 14:11 South ‪[u:8511f635-ab50-4b9f-8b94-0d6b5e0e52a5]‬ Thank you! It was fun getting to draw some fanart for this beautiful game~
2018-11-11 14:11 South ‪[u:868e7cc6-ae48-43f7-a0e6-0d2a4a299139]‬ Yes!! I've found my people lol
2018-11-11 06:11 Somebody Có ai ở đây là người Việt Nam ko z huhu:))😭
2018-11-11 06:11 South ‪[u:2de80e37-a43d-42e1-8d15-d4bee19aacc9]‬ Sorry, I don't speak Vietnamese ^^;
2018-11-11 13:11 Somebody Đẹp đấy
2018-11-11 17:11 Somebody Ori and the blind forest is an amazing game! Itshas so many feels!!!!
2018-11-11 17:11 Somebody Yester day i Meet this game and before i didn't see anything about this game and now when i know it i see so many things from this game wtff hate my life xdd btw amazing drawing
2018-11-11 18:11 South ‪[u:0237c7d2-dc0a-41a6-a6ec-da9ba6fa60fd]‬ Yeah, the atmosphere is always changing and yet it stays so calm and is just stunning. Although I always feel a lot of guilt when little Ori dies in a spike pit for the 50th time because my fingers can't press the Y button fast enough ^^;
2018-11-11 18:11 Somebody ‪[u:681d37e1-6c1a-493d-91c9-980aeadc38fb]‬. Yeah.. Ive died over 500 times...
2018-11-11 18:11 South ‪[u:64f9c3b5-757f-4790-903b-971e9d7b88cb]‬ Thank you! Also, it's funny how that happens, huh? It's like how before I started watching The Office, I never realized how many Office references the people around me make lol
2018-11-11 18:11 South ‪[u:0237c7d2-dc0a-41a6-a6ec-da9ba6fa60fd]‬ I've almost hit the 500 mark on the playthrough I'm currently doing, and I'm only to the Forlorn Ruins- RIP.
2018-11-11 18:11 Somebody Передаю эстафету прости, но тебе прийдётся стать счастливым. Я не виновата мне самой отправили. Этой осенью ты будешь с тем человеком которого любишь. Сегодня ночью он (она) поймет что любит тебя..и это все хорошое случится с тобой завтра. Ну если ты прервешь эту цепочку то потеряешь счастья на 10 лет (!)(!)(!). А если отправишь это 25 людям то через 19 мин.тебе напишет тот кто любит тебя. (!)(!) . Не игнорируй просто копируй (обратно отправлять НЕЛЬЗЯ)😆😆😆😉😆👍😏😏
2018-11-11 21:11 Somebody Xxx
2018-11-11 04:11 Somebody ᴏʰ
2018-11-11 04:11 South ‪[u:e1dc2215-034e-4a0f-8080-9f178da912b0]‬ yeE
2018-11-11 11:11 Somebody Ori!
2018-11-11 12:11 South ‪[u:6a61423b-7214-4a61-88e8-2ab294ada770]‬ Yup! Isn't little Ori the cutest? :3
2018-12-12 19:12 Somebody It's awesome! I love how they're just looking at each other