#purplechallenge #colorweek #sonysketch #girl #zombie #stars #night

Posted on May 20, 2017 by

1106 likes 19 comments

#purplechallenge  #colorweek #sonysketch #girl #zombie #stars #night
2017-05-05 09:05 Somebody Perfect πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
2017-05-05 09:05 Leoparda Beautifull
2017-05-05 09:05 Somebody awesome
2017-05-05 09:05 Somebody β€ͺ[u:7cebfd82-5ca4-48a3-9cb1-b366f756c55f]‬ you can draw for me a fusion between a Moon and a cow?
2017-05-05 09:05 Evie_Bo πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ’—πŸ’–β€
2017-05-05 10:05 Haru(はる) β€ͺ[u:86ee6e0c-a893-4119-aa21-0e6669dfedc2]‬ thank you for your request! But I can't take a request now. Sorry😭😭😭
2017-05-05 10:05 Somebody η΄ ζ•΅γ§γ™πŸ˜βœ¨
2017-05-05 12:05 Somebody Omg woah
2017-05-05 12:05 Haru(はる) β€ͺ[u:2256b090-140c-4e0e-9eac-831c186d4c05]‬ ζœ¬ε½“γ§γ™γ‹οΌγ‚γ‚ŠγŒγ¨γ†γ”γ–γ„γΎγ™πŸ˜†πŸ˜†βœ¨
2017-05-05 16:05 sonysketch This sketch has been added to Featured. Great job! /#sonysketch
2017-05-05 17:05 Somebody Can you follow me
2017-05-05 19:05 sweetpotato Beautiful!!
2017-05-05 19:05 Somebody Wow
2017-05-05 19:05 Somebody Hi
2017-05-05 20:05 Somebody COOL
2017-05-05 05:05 Somebody Bonito el dibujo
2017-05-05 19:05 juls1409 What do you like more of these two sketches, like if it looks better for you... Have a nice dayβ™‘... https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/812621f8-f6cc-458c-83e7-b0ed6b81dd80 https://sketch.sonymobile.com/feed/369503cf-9429-46d9-bdca-8ce1748d63a7
2017-05-05 00:05 Somebody Beautiful hair!
2017-07-07 03:07 Somebody Aweasome!