A garden teeming with life. 💗 I'm so proud of this piece! 😀 #inktober #Inktober2017 #teeming #garden #Flower #butterfly #pretty #Nature

Posted on Oct 13, 2017 by
@Rachel1313 Rachel

564 likes 26 comments

A garden teeming with life. 💗 I'm so proud of this piece! 😀 #inktober #Inktober2017 #teeming #garden #Flower #butterfly #pretty #Nature
2017-10-10 07:10 sonysketch Congratulations! 🎈 Your sketch has just been featured! / #SonySketch
2017-10-10 07:10 Rachel1313 Oh wow!! Thank you! I'm so happy 😊😊
2017-10-10 08:10 Artistic_strokes Innocent & cute drawing😊!!!I loved that baby bunny.....awww!!!!!🐇
2017-10-10 08:10 Rachel1313 Thank you! ❤
2017-10-10 09:10 Somebody Good painting ‪[u:1b4fea37-0888-4337-aa3b-198bea1a6473]‬ ☺👍👍👍👍
2017-10-10 09:10 Somebody And... The Bunny is so cute ‪[u:1b4fea37-0888-4337-aa3b-198bea1a6473]‬
2017-10-10 10:10 Rachel1313 Thank you ‪[u:9f8d1f49-68d7-4013-8fd2-36e48ee8203b]‬ That means a lot to me! 💖
2017-10-10 10:10 Somebody Trop mimi
2017-10-10 10:10 Awall_1008 Wow. ... it so cute and beautiful!!!!
2017-10-10 11:10 Somebody Cuuuuuuutttteeeee
2017-10-10 13:10 Somebody Cool! But the bunny has a weird leg I'm not trying to be mean but right before the foot, in the back it goes in a little bit, I'm sorry I wasted your time
2017-10-10 13:10 Somebody Я в чёрном пространстве и пустоте. Мне грустно и тоже тебе. Мы долго седили и вот наконец... Пришёл всему миру полный пипец! Я долго стояла и смотрела в окно, пока не стемнело и время ушло... Если отправишь это 3 людям то, жизнь продлиться дольше (^▽^)
2017-10-10 15:10 Somebody Cute
2017-10-10 19:10 UsedToBe Nature always inspiring . Beautiful sketch
2017-10-10 21:10 Rachel1313 Thank you all so much! 😊
2017-10-10 21:10 Rachel1313 ‪[u:7768c717-6292-441c-acfb-5853797b2f79]‬ you haven't wasted my time, and I appreciate the feedback. I'm not the best at drawing animals, and honestly that's the best version of the bunny. I tried my best though, and I'm sure with practice, ill get better 😀
2017-10-10 07:10 Somebody Yeah you should be proud of it☺️
2017-10-10 20:10 Somebody I really love all of your artwork! I wish i had as many followers as you...
2017-10-10 00:10 Rachel1313 Thank you :) I'm glad you all like this. It honestly means so much to me.
2017-10-10 03:10 Somebody Hola me sigues me ara de mucha hayuda
2017-10-10 11:10 Somebody How could you draw this you are a Creative Artist
2017-10-10 15:10 Somebody Beautiful
2017-10-10 22:10 Somebody Very beautiful!
2017-10-10 05:10 Somebody Bagus ya😱😇
2017-10-10 13:10 Somebody Awesome
2017-11-11 20:11 Somebody Can i download?