#mybff #frídaywithsketch

Posted on Sep 24, 2017 by
mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan)

282 likes 78 comments

#mybff #frídaywithsketch
2017-09-09 20:09 Asiululu Congratulations! 🎉 Your sketch has just been featured! 😂😂😂
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody What???
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody 😙
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Congratulations😚😙😚😙
2017-09-09 20:09 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) ‪[u:f78f0853-315b-4922-9b99-91e0be7ffc41]‬ thank you😁😁
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody 😊
2017-09-09 20:09 Asiululu ‪[u:ffff3d6b-ba11-4116-96bc-02254393a277]‬ ‪[u:70e038c9-01d2-4b17-9a73-e08033b92635]‬ yes why not? 👍
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody I Draw goldstripe for ya 😄😅
2017-09-09 20:09 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) ‪[u:f78f0853-315b-4922-9b99-91e0be7ffc41]‬ thx lol😅😅😅😅😆😆😆😆😅🐱🐱🐱🐱
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody ‪[u:532dfde4-87f8-46ad-a167-7da0a78075bd]‬ Omg......SO LUCKY
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody WTF ???
2017-09-09 22:09 TheOneAndOnlyMe How is this featured when sketch didn't comment?
2017-09-09 22:09 TheOneAndOnlyMe ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ ‪[u:95785023-ce07-4b5a-8636-390a228dbd10]‬
2017-09-09 22:09 TheOneAndOnlyMe How it featured when sketch no comment?
2017-09-09 22:09 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) Idk i
2017-09-09 23:09 Somebody Why was thid fetured...
2017-09-09 00:09 Somebody Nice and try to get it little bit good and make the noise if your trying to learn the noise it's okay try to get better :)
2017-09-09 00:09 Somebody Czym to ma tak dużo 👍 to ochydne 👊👊👊👎👎👎👎👎👎☝☝☝☝😮
2017-09-09 00:09 Somebody Esto es una mierda!!! Esta mierda esta en featured y es una mierda!
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody Hemmm... Wtf
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody How can this get featured but not mine?
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody This is ...............
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody .
2017-09-09 05:09 Somebody Great job, but how did this get featured without sketch featuring or commenting?
2017-09-09 06:09 Somebody How did this get featured without Sketch commenting?!
2017-09-09 12:09 Somebody ‪[u:266e9a42-b48c-44d5-a198-d7ad958b20a2]‬ knk biz bundan bin kat daha iyi yaparız
2017-09-09 13:09 Shina_Moon Zaten yorumların türkçesinde , öne çıkanlar? Demiş birisi, biriside , bu... demiş ‪[u:8ba13af8-b1aa-4678-822b-f9cf54c7220a]‬ yani beğenmemişler
2017-09-09 14:09 Somebody Boi. Some people here are salty af. Amaziiing.
2017-09-09 14:09 Somebody I see potential tho 👌
2017-09-09 16:09 Somebody Wow so nice
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody What??? Sketch did not comment on this wtfff??
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody ‪[u:378810e7-b9d0-4330-b990-0eaea520f3c4]‬ yeah ‪[u:532dfde4-87f8-46ad-a167-7da0a78075bd]‬ did feature him/her ^^
2017-09-09 17:09 TheOneAndOnlyMe ‪[u:532dfde4-87f8-46ad-a167-7da0a78075bd]‬ please delete your comment so I gets removed from featured. if you don't, there is a chance you and this person can get banned
2017-09-09 19:09 AyanoOfficial ‪[u:05db8b96-e9f5-4232-99d6-4f6a367210f7]‬ Same! I spent hours to get my art finished! XD
2017-09-09 19:09 AyanoOfficial ‪[u:4d57b940-846b-4746-bbf7-315ca5ca17f5]‬ Still really nice tho 😜
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Ikr ‪[u:db0be67c-5409-40a3-827b-f2d09b707a4a]‬. I didn't spend hours on mine, but others did. This stuff got on featured whilst great pieces of artwork never -_-
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Plus, sketch never commented so wtf
2017-09-09 20:09 AyanoOfficial Feels like SonySketch is ignoring my artworks -_- ‪[u:05db8b96-e9f5-4232-99d6-4f6a367210f7]‬
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Mine too, ‪[u:db0be67c-5409-40a3-827b-f2d09b707a4a]‬ -_-
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody ‪[u:05db8b96-e9f5-4232-99d6-4f6a367210f7]‬ thats mean. Her art is beautiful
2017-09-09 21:09 Somebody I think ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ put her in featured by acident...there is no comment or what ..
2017-09-09 22:09 Somebody I'm not saying it's ugly, ‪[u:4d480dd4-5e61-4d64-9bcd-804728eafee3]‬
2017-09-09 00:09 rafael_ Why is this on featured?
2017-09-09 00:09 rafael_ ‪[u:4d57b940-846b-4746-bbf7-315ca5ca17f5]‬ don't get me wrong😊
2017-09-09 04:09 Somebody ‪[u:4d480dd4-5e61-4d64-9bcd-804728eafee3]‬ Would you mind taking down or crediting the artworks on your page?
2017-09-09 06:09 Somebody WTF
2017-09-09 07:09 Somebody Щит
2017-09-09 08:09 sonysketch Congratulations! 🎇 / #SonySketch
2017-09-09 11:09 Somebody Finally!
2017-09-09 13:09 Somebody :)
2017-09-09 14:09 Somebody FINNALY
2017-09-09 14:09 Somebody Thats kinda rude to be onest OTHER ppl spend hours on the art work that they are doing and..dis is spend like a few mins and Got featured and the other ones did not...
2017-09-09 15:09 Somebody ‪[u:bae20628-0a95-46d5-8161-e3713b53071b]‬ i felt like admin is just a kid 😅i might get ban for saying this😳
2017-09-09 15:09 Somebody ‪[u:a7452f35-8635-4e81-b3f7-10958ba7188b]‬ ...strange...
2017-09-09 16:09 Somebody Same I feel kind of cheated on in a way ‪[u:bae20628-0a95-46d5-8161-e3713b53071b]‬ like not to be rude to the creator of this, but it doesn't exactly look like something you'd spend hours to draw
2017-09-09 17:09 Asiululu ‪[u:e9da7b26-c57d-4b1d-9e92-b85a32c6040d]‬ And you spend hours for your draw??? 😂
2017-09-09 17:09 Somebody Yes I do actually (yesterday, in fact) 😂 ‪[u:532dfde4-87f8-46ad-a167-7da0a78075bd]‬
2017-09-09 17:09 Asiululu ‪[u:e9da7b26-c57d-4b1d-9e92-b85a32c6040d]‬ aha ...
2017-09-09 02:09 gauri_mathur What's that??? I mean what's going on! ‪[u:532dfde4-87f8-46ad-a167-7da0a78075bd]‬ the comments seem vvv funny... xD :D
2017-09-09 04:09 slug_sbackup wHaT
2017-09-09 00:09 Somebody ‪[u:361d273e-e7f4-451a-8fc7-fbca98d11db5]‬ lol
2017-09-09 01:09 Somebody Thank you ‪[u:efc56559-ef5c-4703-9931-5d3bab625310]‬ I didn't know that my little niece wrote the comments under this sketch :D
2017-09-09 04:09 Somebody Kinda emo
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody я знаю ты сейчас скажешь зачем , это ерунда Сегодня в полночь, твоя любимая половинка поймёт насколько сильно любит тебя, что-то хорошее произойдёт с тобой завтра с13:00-16:00 часа. Если эта цепь оборвётся, то ты встречаешься с 10 проблемами на протяжении 10 лет. Завтра утром человек, который тебе нравится, признается в любви. Завтра твой наилучший день . Если ты до 00:00 не разошлёшь эту запись 20 людям, то твоя история любви закончится. Это не прикол и не ложь.( просто копируй и вставляй
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Что это делает в топе?.__.
2017-09-09 09:09 Somebody
2017-09-09 20:09 Somebody Эм...
2017-10-10 19:10 Somebody G Мне жаль, что я должен был отправить это вам, но теперь, когда вы его открыли, вы не можете перестать читать это. Привет, меня зовут Тереза ​​Фидальго. Я умерла 27 лет. Если вы не отправите это 20 людям, я буду спать на вашей стороне навсегда. Если ты не поверишь, ищи меня. Тереза ​​Фидальго. Так пошлите это 20 людям. Девочка проигнорировала это, и ее мама умерла через 20 дней. NO SEND BACKS !!!!! # скопировал извините, чтобы отправить это. Кстати, это не подделка искать ее на Google извините, так надо
2017-10-10 12:10 Somebody ЧТО ЭТА ХРЕНЬ ДЕЛАЕТ В ТОПЕ?!
2017-10-10 20:10 Somebody 😨
2017-10-10 02:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) ‪[u:d54e59a7-ff3a-4a65-9edb-3a64975722a2]‬ read the comments XD
2017-10-10 02:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) Remember that ‪[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ did not comment before it was fethered
2017-10-10 03:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) Yes I hate this ‪[u:d54e59a7-ff3a-4a65-9edb-3a64975722a2]‬ I mean this is the worst person I have ever drawn
2017-10-10 03:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) Lol XD
2017-10-10 03:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) ‎[u:d54e59a7-ff3a-4a65-9edb-3a64975722a2]
2017-10-10 03:10 mintstorm ( Always A Member of DawnClan) TTTRRRRRIIIIIGGGGGGGEEEEEERRRREEEEDDD
2017-11-11 21:11 Somebody Что за фигня у меня в топе?