Thanks for the feature , best #birthday gift ever X3 ! #leftandright #fridayswithsketch #anime Drawing with a left hand is tough and as you can see , I didn't even shade the one drawn with the left hand because I was done #night #sky #Reflection #window.

Posted on Jan 26, 2019 by
@Eishi Emiliano

964 likes 62 comments

Thanks for the feature , best #birthday gift ever X3 !  #leftandright #fridayswithsketch #anime Drawing with a left hand is tough and as you can see , I didn't even shade the one drawn with the left hand because I was done #night #sky #Reflection #window.
2019-01-01 12:01 NithyapriyaTTTTT Holy hell amazing!! Psst idk why but I think the reflection is outta place I mean the position? My intentions aren't bad so please don't take em in a negative way. But it's fab!
2019-01-01 12:01 NithyapriyaTTTTT I thought it was Eren for a minute XD is it Eren?
2019-01-01 12:01 Somebody Incredible
2019-01-01 12:01 hono so nice!
2019-01-01 14:01 Eishi Thank you [u:cab8d3c3-753a-4857-8dda-ba7ed1028a81] I really appreciate the critique, I realised it too late and I couldn't fix it. Plus I have to show my sad excuse for a drawing drawn with my left hand so I couldn't make it more transparent or in the correct proportion πŸ˜… sadly , this isn't Eren I just like brown hair ( easier to shade XD)
2019-01-01 14:01 Eishi Danke [u:6c4433f9-c813-473c-94f2-548a7928e1b0] πŸ˜€
2019-01-01 14:01 Eishi Arigatou [u:e9cc15d2-75da-480d-8a7b-eea12f263127] 😊
2019-01-01 14:01 NithyapriyaTTTTT β€ͺ[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4]‬ oooh I see and np! Haha kay but I love it!
2019-01-01 14:01 Somebody No problem
2019-01-01 14:01 redapple Wow! great!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
2019-01-01 16:01 Spikey_Bunny [u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4] I actually like the proportions here, even if it’s slightly in the wrong position - we wouldn’t be able to see anything of interest because it would be completely out of Grahame. It looks very close to what a third party viewing his reflection would see! Awesome!!! 😍
2019-01-01 16:01 Spikey_Bunny [u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4] *out of FRAME.... OOPS !!! I’m sorry for that! 🀣😘🀣
2019-01-01 18:01 Eishi Thanks [u:bb54ddb6-9099-45be-8394-c4333998b7cd] πŸ˜€ your description makes a lot of sense and made me feel better about the mistake in the drawing 😊
2019-01-01 19:01 Eishi Aww thanks alot β€ͺ[u:fc2f98c1-2abc-4880-a24d-34d0f9ebea0c]‬ :D much appreciated.
2019-01-01 22:01 Spikey_Bunny [u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4] 😘
2019-01-01 09:01 sonysketch Congratulations! πŸŽ‡ Your sketch has just been featured.
2019-01-01 09:01 Eishi Thanks alot β€ͺ[u:d51e31f9-6aa1-474b-9e0e-3357e9bc2b9c]‬ , It's the best birthday gift ever !
2019-01-01 09:01 Somebody Hmmm that guy looks familiar...
2019-01-01 09:01 Somebody Seen him somewhere before
2019-01-01 11:01 hono β€ͺ[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4]‬ Congratulations! and Is it on your birthday?
2019-01-01 11:01 Eishi Thank you β€ͺ[u:e9cc15d2-75da-480d-8a7b-eea12f263127]‬ :D Yes it is.
2019-01-01 12:01 hono so very happy!It's double lucky. Happy Birthday to you! I wish you apend nice a day.
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody ΠŸΠžΠ”ΠŸΠ˜Π¨Π˜Π’Π•Π‘Π¬ НА ΠœΠ•ΠΠ― ΠŸΠ–
2019-01-01 13:01 Eishi Thanks β€ͺ[u:e9cc15d2-75da-480d-8a7b-eea12f263127]‬ ! Have a nice day too.
2019-01-01 13:01 redapple Congratulations ! ! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’•
2019-01-01 13:01 Eishi Thank you so much β€ͺ[u:26105b43-528f-477b-b975-34c3397dadad]‬ ^^
2019-01-01 16:01 Somebody
2019-01-01 18:01 Somebody Your birthday?????? I didn't know sowwyyyy
2019-01-01 20:01 Eishi Yeah. No prob β€ͺ[u:1f4ba6e5-ab32-4f62-84cc-8f32cf64581d]‬.
2019-01-01 20:01 Somebody Thats a really cool idea!!
2019-01-01 21:01 Somebody Congratulations on the feature! I’m very behind today if you can’t tell. XD
2019-01-01 21:01 Eishi Thanks β€ͺ[u:65d77cab-0d44-4ff8-9297-c91494ca66c2]‬ :D
2019-01-01 21:01 Eishi Kien Problem β€ͺ[u:6c4433f9-c813-473c-94f2-548a7928e1b0]‬ :D
2019-01-01 22:01 Somebody β€Ž[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4] :)
2019-01-01 01:01 Spikey_Bunny [u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4] CONGRATULATIONS!!! 😍
2019-01-01 04:01 Eishi Thank you β€ͺ[u:bb54ddb6-9099-45be-8394-c4333998b7cd]‬ :D
2019-01-01 07:01 Somebody Hi, I need to increase the activity, just subscribe to me ~ I will be very pleased)🌹🌌
2019-01-01 08:01 Somebody Thanks for understanding
2019-01-01 16:01 Somebody Please follow me 😭 and like my sketches
2019-01-01 17:01 Eishi Thank you very much β€ͺ[u:fc2f98c1-2abc-4880-a24d-34d0f9ebea0c]‬ :D
2019-01-01 06:01 Somebody Thats pretty smart
2019-01-01 07:01 Eishi Thanks β€ͺ[u:53a2e97c-5f04-4c2a-8e15-b5a9baa284b2]‬ :D
2019-01-01 14:01 Somebody Amazing art! and congrats.
2019-01-01 15:01 Eishi Thank you β€ͺ[u:6917b745-ef54-47f4-9b4c-7054d7ec6814]‬ :D
2019-01-01 21:01 Somebody No Problem , and thank you for all the likes.
2019-01-01 13:01 Somebody It is the same.Oh my,you are so talented!
2019-01-01 14:01 Eishi Thanks for the compliment β€ͺ[u:acb06521-c232-4399-bdb5-396731fff351]‬ :D
2019-02-02 06:02 Somebody!!! GREAT JOB!!!
2019-02-02 06:02 Eishi Thanks alot β€ͺ[u:82a1f068-5fbf-4818-a54f-26a912f88a57]‬ :D
2019-02-02 01:02 Somebody This looks great!!
2019-02-02 06:02 Eishi Thank you β€ͺ[u:b56ff3d4-6ac9-4a6a-a5bf-81a4f48d6ff3]‬ :D
2019-02-02 10:02 Vetter All beautiful my β€ͺ[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4]‬
2019-02-02 10:02 Vetter Thank you very much for me and always welcome my β€ͺ[u:34bc035f-0bb0-4144-b922-dae5934393b4]‬
2019-02-02 17:02 Somebody Ouahou comment tu as fait Γ§a? Trop jolii
2019-02-02 17:02 Eishi Merci β€ͺ[u:3f9377a8-9225-48ac-95e9-91b3b3415de6]‬ :D
2019-02-02 05:02 Somebody That's soooooooo good
2019-02-02 09:02 Eishi Thanks β€ͺ[u:6ed2b0eb-1668-4953-8b6b-acd64ff96ab6]‬ :D
2019-02-02 03:02 Ritzzzz Wow my left hand barely do anything, i think its just there to hold my phone when I draw. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
2019-02-02 07:02 Eishi My left hand is useless too , it was a pain to draw and paint using my left hand and I got lazy colouring that part too β€ͺ[u:ca572573-2c31-40f4-8edf-133bbce355e7]‬. I feel you XD
2019-02-02 23:02 Somebody Amigo el codo del marino esta mal posicionado y la postura de su cara esta mirando a otro lado y no al reflejo de ahΓ­ en fuera esta bien sobre todo las estrellas... :v
2019-02-02 21:02 Somebody Nice
2019-02-02 21:02 Eishi Thanks β€ͺ[u:5f46ba84-6f77-4ade-9f85-59b4997bee33]‬ :D